I’m pretty big for my age and I always get self conscious that guys won’t like me for my size, I have a big belly which I don’t mind but I feel like that puts a lot of guys off girls? Do some guys like bigger women or do most prefer slim ones?

  1. Going to vary a lot we aren’t a hivemind. Some prefer petite women, some prefer tall and skinny. Others like curvy women and some like large women.

  2. If you took a survey, the sample would likely say no, the preference would not be for bigger women.

  3. As already said by a lot of guys.. It differs based on personal preference.

    I’ve been with both and i definitely can say i prefer curvier women.

  4. Men have preferences as much as we do, I don’t like particularly muscular men but my friend loves them. Don’t feel self conscious about your belly, for every man that isn’t attracted to it there’s a number who will be. Admittedly I’ve been a lot of different sizes and I’ve attracted different ages of men so honestly don’t worry about it.

  5. As others have said, it’s not that simple as everyone has preferences, but there are loads of guys out there that like bigger women and if you search around, there are a lot of communities on Reddit to prove it, for example r/BBW

  6. if you are this conscious about it I suggest you to start working out and eliminate the problem.

  7. As a woman, I’ve always preferred big, squishy guys. In fact, he is sleeping next to me now 🥰

  8. I don’t. Plenty of my guy friends do.

    It’s not a question of “Do men like” as we don’t all share physical preferences.

  9. I prefer athletic / fit guys where you can also see that they work out. Many of my female friends however don’t care for a six pack or even prefer a guy who is a little chubby over a gymrat. Same goes for guys, some prefer skinny, some prefer curvy, some prefer fit,… Sure some preferences are more common but no matter your body type you will always fit someone’s ideals.

  10. A lot don’t enjoy it until they have been with one. I am midsized and my ex always preferred petite girls. After he met me, his entire preference changed. Guys generally enjoy holding handles and squeezing soft bodies.

  11. There are tons of bigger women I find very hot, the difference is when you smile and are happy with yourself. Usually even prefer the curves over thin women if they seem happy and fun. And bellies and butts are hot for me.

  12. I prefer bigger women, up to a certain, ehm, weight. If it’s still healthy, it’s attractive to me.

  13. Define alot?

    Do more men prefer slim women than men who prefer larger ones? Yes

    Do most men just prefer all women? Yes

    Are there still tons of men who specifically like larger women? Yes

  14. Honestly, I usually prefer skinny girls, BUT when I had sex with a bigger woman, she had big round and firm boobs, which I surely loved. Actually, having her on top of me and having so much more contact surface was pretty great. Her skin was also very soft and nice. All in all, I liked the experience quite a lot.

  15. Look at the women choosen by men who can choose any woman (rich and famous men), that’s what most men find attractive.

  16. Guys do not prefer « fat » women.
    We in general, do not choose egg rolls over a normal stomach. But it’s not to say we all like skinny women. Some prefer fat too.

  17. My GF is big. I don’t like/dislike her because she is big. I like cause she is a really nice person and we have fun together. I have dated skinny ladies and can say the same thing about them.

  18. I’m more attracted to personality and a cute face. I don’t prefer bigger women, but I won’t turn down a date with you for being bigger than me.. to a certain limit of course.

  19. I prefer women a little thicker. I don’t like thin women and I don’t like obese. It a little extra weight is perfect. My current gf is on the heavier side. Cuddling and snuggling next to her is heaven. She so soft and holding on to her is like holding on to a rainbow.

  20. Something that I haven’t seen talked about in this post yet is that guys typically have a different criteria for girls that they will have sex with and for girls that they would like to be in a relationship with. E.g. a guy might find bigger girls sexy but wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with a bigger girl because he might prefer to have a more active relationship.

  21. Personally if I’m getting down & dirty with someone new then it’s about the person and their mindset. Everyone comes with a trade-off, nobody is perfect, and no body is perfect.

    Play to your strengths. If you’ve got belly, ok, but that means you probably got ass too. Ass is good, I like ass, to quote the great sir mix-a-lot, “I like big butts and I cannot lie”. If you’ve got belly, there’s a good chance you got some big ol’ tiddies – one low-cut top and there are plenty of great guys who will eat right out of your hand (or wherever you’d like them to eat from!)

    Use what you got, and be up for a good time – guys find *that* attractive. Once you start getting naked it’s about what you’re going to do together, not what you look like when you do so don’t sweat it.

    Ultimately there are two main reasons to change something about your body; because you are unhealthy and it is causing you pain/disease, or because you want to for yourself. Don’t change for other people, if you feel like you’d like to have a bit less tummy – then fine, switch to some salad and do more exercise, but always do it for you.

  22. My husband is an athletic, muscular guy and prefers thick women, but the curves has to be in the “right” places. To him, that means thighs, butt and/or boobs.

  23. I love slim and big women. But give me a big girl with a big belly to sit on my face and go on top and I’m in heaven! I’ve been with a few bigger women and have loved each time.

  24. The lust in us chooses bigger women all the time. We just don’t prefer them for keeps. But for purely “enjoyment” a good number of men would want them big.

  25. There is a difference between “curvy”, “thick” and “obese”, which all are sometimes called “big”. I think it depends on which category you land in. And there are also women who all just all-around larger (taller, heavier build, but not particularly curvy, thick or obese), which a whole another discussion.

    To use the cliché, there is a guy for every type of girl. But I’d say that if you get significantly overweight, it will definitely reduce the amount of guys that are interested in your type.

  26. If you are looking for a comfort this ain’t it. everyone is different as much as you want a man who’s working on himself we like women who are working on themselves as well whether its getting in shape working on a new hobby but has something going on and has a personality. Yes sure you can technically find a man statistically speaking every 1 in 30 estimated would hook up with you but from what I got you are looking for a relationship of some sort. So with that being said your chances increase drastically when you start working out. Don’t fall for that fake body positive crap if you can’t change something that’s one story a scar missing body part etc but weight skin care personality is 100% something you can work on. All best to you OP don’t lose hope. My grandma always told me “How you shine that’s what will come by” it’s hard to start something even harder to get in shape but when you see the results you will become addicted to it and you will see how different men around you will start to look at you happened to a friend. She was obsessed with it went silent for a year or so when we saw her we were speachless from 4/10 to a 8’5 – 9/10. Keep at it you got this. And remember looks is what brings them to you your heart and personality is what will keep them there! Cheers

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