Okay, so the title looks boring. This probably isn’t an original idea, but I figured I should share it just in case for those interested in *why* I added annotations to a recorded porn video.

I edited the recording to keep only my favorite parts and managed to condense a roughly 18\~ minute upload to about 6\~ minutes (with 1.5x speed) Then, I added text annotations quickly summarizing *why* those parts were my favorite. e.g. “she uses her hand to tilt his head back, exposing his neck — this is extremely attractive because x, y, z” — or — “he positions his hands on her waist to help her stay in the right position and guide the movement — this is *also* very attractive for x, y, z” and so on.

The end product is essentially a visual education tool. If you’re like me and have troubles explaining what sort of sex, foreplay, and/or aftercare you prefer to a partner… an annotated video might just do the trick (though… maybe keep it in your back pocket if your sexual partner might be weirded out that you spent time *annotating porn*).

Or, it could help you figure out yourself what sort of sex you prefer, kinks, dirty talk preferences, etc. I definitely recommend. Plus, it was fun and entertaining.

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