I work (21M) as a junior dev while I’m in school for computer science. My SO (21F) works at an office at 8 AM, I drive her to work most of the times 9/10 but she gets furious that I didn’t drive her to work even if I sleep late everyday and wake up at 10 AM for school.

Should I only sleep for 4-5 hours or what?

  1. If my SO asked me to drive her to work everyday at 7 AM knowing I sleep very late 3-4AM because of work and school, I would try to explain to her why it’s not possible for me to do that. If she didn’t understand or listen to my explanation, then I would have to find a solution that works for both of us.

  2. I sit back, realize I’m 21, have literally decades of dating life left before me, and prioritize what’s important: my career and my school. And I can’t perform at either of those if I’m exhausted.

    She can take the bus or buy a bike. Grow a pair, and say ‘no.’ She’ll get over it. And if not, the door’s right there, don’t let it hit her on the way out.

    Hell, what would she do if, oh, I don’t know, you pulled a few of the fuses from your car, or disconnected the battery, and it wouldn’t start for a few weeks?

  3. She’s taking advantage of you 100%. Don’t fall into a scarcity mindset thinking you need to sacrifice your well being for a woman and relationship. Kick her back to the streets and move on.

  4. Me, I’d get her a gift certificate for those Lime/Bird/Revel scooter things. Or get her a Bentley.

  5. I’d do her a solid and put like 50 bucks on her Uber account and tell her to figure it the fuck out after that.

  6. Why doesn’t she have her own car? In your gift post, you said you asked her to marry you. This is what’s gonna be happening for the rest of your life. Anyone who loves you wouldn’t treat you like this. It just sounds like you love her way more than she loves you.

  7. I mean, I wouldn’t date someone who didn’t drive. It’s one thing if their car is in the shop and they need a lift until it’s fixed. But just not driving at all and expecting me to be her chauffeur, that’s not happening.

  8. For one, you need healthier sleep habits.

    I’m in that situation now where my girl needs a lift to work a few times a week and is nervous about driving because she didn’t drive at all during Covid. I said I can help temporarily but I need to get to work as well and this is a huge burden. So I’m driving her while she’s getting comfortable driving herself by practicing. If she stops then we have a real problem because it’s no longer help, it’s a chauffeur job.

  9. Go ahead an break it off with this one now and focus on your career and your self.

  10. Guess this SO needs to be un SO’d. She’s giving you shit for such a minor thing. How do you think she’d behave in the long run with serious stuff.

    Who tolerates such height of nonsense

  11. What do you think, chief?

    Do you like her disregarding your health and circumstances; expecting you to cater to her needs above your own?


    If so, then stay with her. You’ll get even less concern, and more demands.


    If not, then you know what to do.


    I think you already know what to do. But are afraid to do it since you are very beta and don’t think you’ll ever find another piece of ass again.


    You will, though. Women are like busses; there is another one coming along in 15 minutes.

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