What keeps you going during tough times?

  1. Psilocybin. Almost always I find what I need through psilocybin. Ask your street pharmacist if psilocybin is right for you.

  2. Journaling – I try to write a little bit every day, even if just for a few minutes.

    In the short term, it’s helped me understand that although my emotions feel strong in the moment, they often pass.

    In the long term, it’s helped me remember that I have often encountered what challenge I’m facing (e.g., breakup, low self-esteem) before and have overcome it. That gives me the confidence that I have the ability to overcome it again.

  3. Belief that things can get better. If i didnt believe that, Id just get away

    Theres a wealth of wisdom that the bad times are never as hopeless as they seem, and the good times are never as great. It comes up over and over again in human history.

    IMO the one thing that truly fucks you up is time. As you get older you run out of chances

  4. a weekly lottery ticket and that line from ironic by alanis Morissette bout the dude that wins and dies the next day. imagine if I ended it and won the lottery the next day. such is my luck so I’ll keep going just to spite fate.

    these were the worst times.

  5. Having something to look forward to was the absolute most critical thing to me climbing out of depression. Something that you can say, oh, today is fucking shit, but I get to see/do X/Y in Z weeks, is super important

  6. Punk Rock. It validates the way I feel. It helps to hear that others see the world is as fucked as I see it. Music has a very motivating energy so I am more likely to get up and move around instead of ruminating.

  7. I’ve got people counting on me, and I’ve got motherfuckers to prove wrong.

    I know it sounds toxic and bullshit but sometimes it’s all I have.

  8. Knowing my attitude will get me through, my thoughts are one thing I have control over. You are as happy as you make up your mind to be.

  9. Knowing that the lifting of meaningful burdens is what sustains us (Viktor Frankl expressed this). I’ve had both easy and hard times and although I think we’d all prefer the former, the latter isn’t strictly worse. The latter can lead to complacency whereas the former makes the need and motivation for growth and/or recovery more urgent.

  10. When a man is faced with tough times, think of it as a blacksmith tempering iron for a sword. What is a swords job? To protect as well as dispatch- we men should be as both armor and sword. You have to be strong for not just yourself but for your loved ones. Understanding that if I as a man am to guard the front. What gets me through tough times is the army of loyalists that watch my back. They depend on me.

  11. As long as I just keep moving forward bit by bit, day by day, and never truly give up on myself, then eventually things will get better (hopefully).

  12. Couples on the streets.

    They give me a sense of self hatred and im useless and worthless and if i stop grinding now, im gonna stay useless and worthless and will never be able to get a partner.

    Channel that negative self hate into something useful.

    It has been working out well. Gives me a slap in the face when i want to give up my workout sessions

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