A majority of woman said they want there patner to be more funny or make them laugh.I was on train station today and I noticed a lot of couple in which majority of the time girls are laughing and they looking more happy in a relationship.so how to become more funny or make other people laugh?

  1. There’s not really any way other than actually doing it.

    Join some groups or clubs, learn to talk with people. You’ll get the flow of it eventually.

    As long as you’re not a dick or creepy, people are usually pretty receptive to talking.

  2. Find someone whose personality and social skills you admire, and model yourself on them. Someone *charismatic*. Study their mannerisms. You’re not trying to be them, just take parts of them that you think would work for you.

    That’s what I did. I still think to myself sometimes, “What would X do?”

    And this is very important: DO NOT LISTEN to people who say, “Just be yourself.”

    If “yourself” was good enough at holding conversations, you wouldn’t have asked this question, would you?

    We’re supposed to *improve* ourselves over time, not stay the same. If you’re the same person that you were 10 years ago, then you really haven’t done much with the last 10 years, have you?

  3. get life experience. The more life you experience, the more you can talk about. The more crazy shit you encounter. the funnier.

  4. Honestly you just gotta find a woman who matches with your sense of humor. I can have my wife belly laughing over the weirdest shit sometimes. She thinks it’s hilarious when I joke about wanting to find earthworms after it rains… No idea why but I’m always happy to see her laughing lol
    Edit: the more I’m thinking about it, the more I’m realizing that actually quite a few women in my life love a good earthworm joke. Also slug or snail jokes are cool too. An occasional snake joke can spice things up a bit

  5. I’ve always been a bit of a “class clown” kind of guy, and honestly, most of it came from just watching a ton of stand-up comedy. I think it’s the best way to learn how to tell a compelling humorous story or point out funny things about everyday situations.

  6. Being funny doesn’t really come naturally, but it is a skill which means you can learn it. Depending on your personality and your interest, try to find comedian in those fields and listen to them over and over again.

    In my case when I started, I was interested in politics, so I was listening to political humour, particularly “The Daily Show” with John Steward and “The Colbert Report” with Stephen Colbert. Then I watch some of their interviews to try to grasp where they get their ideas and how they twist certain meaning without crossing the line. The next part is the audience that you’re trying to make them laugh (audience = one friend or a small group of friends, not like an entire classroom). The audience needs to understand the topic you’re trying to go wtih.

    Watch stand-up comedies too, and try to channel their energy if you don’t know how. Do it repeatedly while watching the videos over and over again until their dialogues become 2nd nature.

  7. You need things to talk about, which means you need a life that provides interesting experiences. Conversation also requires empathy and genuine interest in other people.

  8. I’m here for the conservation / conversation mix up humor, and so far I’m disappointed.

  9. My advice to you is to learn how to be a good storyteller.

    Know how to put emphasis on things to make them stand out.
    And when in a pitch learn how to ask questions and poof you have a whole conversation. Eventually she’ll open up and start talking about herself, then you’re on the money

    Just let her talk. Ask questions to show you’re interested, then just have her talk. When she runs out tell another story. Rinse and repeat. Then poof you’ve been talking for 3 hours!

    Good luck. I rely on my awkward timing and good long term storytelling to get by

    For example I could tell you how I was arrested, butt ass naked and ended up making the cops laugh while I couldn’t see. Or about the time I randomly ended up in a moshpit to be pushed to a vip area for one of the most free luxury experiences ever. Or the time that my ex girlfriend punched my tooth out, always gets laughs

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