I feel so over dramatic, but also I’ve been struggling with OBGYN issues for so long it’s beating me down. After years of recurrent yeast infections I finally tested for ureaplasma and it came back positive – which sucks, but also I’m hoping it’s the reason behind my infection issues. The hard part is now both me and my boyfriend of 9 years have to do antibiotics together for 2 weeks, abstaining from sex, and then wait 4 WEEKS before we test to make sure we’re negative and then resume having sex.

While I know it’s sort of ridiculous to get really upset about 4-6 weeks of abstaining from sex, I’m having a really hard time with it. It’s definitely something I need to work on. But I can’t help feeling guilty and like my body is broken and I’m worried I won’t be able to feel close with my partner. He is hugely supportive and understands and is doing the treatment with no complaints, but I can’t shake the feeling of guilt and anxiety that I feel distanced without sexual connection.

Obviously we can be intimate in so many other ways, and in my logical mind I know this – but my anxiety is so severe surrounding this treatment that I keep thinking of the worst possible outcomes. I keep thinking that the treatment will fail and I will have to start us back over at zero, etc. I guess I’m looking for any encouragement, or just venting into the void because no one I know in real life has ever even heard of stupid ureaplasma 🙁

  1. Try to let this experience be an opportunity to really strengthen your bonds together. It sounds like your partner is being very supportive through it so give him the love he deserves. And see how much intimacy the two of you can still have together. By focusing on the good times and closeness you can have, trying to keep the tone upbeat and fun, I think you can come out even stronger and closer as a couple.

  2. Oof that does sound like a lot! And the intersection of our physical health and our sexual health is one that is too infrequently talked about!

    Do you both like watching or reading porn? That could be something you do “together” side by side while masturbating that could be useful. But you will get through this period of time and just think of how hot it will be when you can be all over each other again! Maybe even book a romantic hotel or airbnb for the special Occassion so you have something to look forward to rather than just dreading a countdown of days. <3

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