
I’m a 21M seeing 21F and have been together for the past two months. We were talking on and off as friends for several months before we started seeing each other.

Two weeks ago, we became exclusive, and the topic of putting a label on things was talked about. I am ready to throw a label, however, she is hesitant and wants to make sure we’re stable first. She tells me she sees a future together but just wants to be certain.

For me, I understand her position, yet can’t help but worry if that’s truly what she wants and if she’s not just holding onto me. Maybe this viewpoint is flawed, but I think if she wanted a relationship with me she would go for it and not be so hesitant–however, I could be wrong here.

Another concern is I don’t want to have to wait forever only to find out I’ve wasted my time and energy. However, again, these are just insecurities of mine surfacing.

So, I ask y’all: How long should I wait before I mention it again? Is there reason to be concerned here or is this completely normal?

1 comment
  1. She is being reasonable.
    Your job now is to be wonderful. Show her that she is cherished.

    Do little things and do them often. Love notes, cook, clean up, foot rubs. Do not expect a return. Just be wonderful.

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