Men, Where was the most unfortunate place you zoned out?

  1. Missed my exit on the expressway once, and didn’t notice until I saw an unmistakable landmark about 45 minutes north of where I was supposed to turn.

  2. I was once driving to a friend’s house. The first 30km of the trip was the same route as to my parents house.
    500km later i realised i missed the exit when i got to the border post with out my passport.

  3. During a job interview. I had had a head cold and took some medicine for it. When the interview began, I told them that I was feeling foggy but I really wanted to push ahead. And when I asked situational interview questions, I just blanked. And the interviewer would not move on until I gave him answers to the questions. He probably should have at some point terminated the interview with the understanding that I was just too foggy to continue and either reschedule or not, so that’s kind of on him. But it was incredibly embarrassing in retrospect to just sit there absolutely blank for minutes at a time during each question

  4. At a traffic intersection as a pedestrian. Didn’t realize I was waking the red light until I heard a horn a couple meters to my right.

  5. Was running the 2 miler in high school and forgot how many laps I had run and ran an extra lap by mistake.

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