How does having a beard feel?

  1. Kinda bad actually

    My beard is a mess so I constantly have to adjust it and take care of it and if I left it to grow it can even get really dirty every time I eat something it gets stuck in it

    It’s not as good as you might think but it’s still better than having absolutely nothing on your face

    If you want the feeling it feels exactly like my normal hair just a little bit thicker

  2. i have a scruffy chin beard. it feels fine. my long dark hair and my beard are all shot with silver, i kinda love it, i get compliments all the time 😀

  3. It feels awesome. It makes most things better. Scotch is more delicious. Meat is more flavorful, keeps the wife moist. But you may want to avoid honey.

  4. Mine grows like a wire brush so it feels and looks like complete shit. I shave that shit off. Too many guys walking around with pube beards thinking it looks good on them

  5. Like the hair on my head. I don’t feel it or even notice it unless something makes me notice it. Like if the wind catches it. And because I use beard wash & conditioner a couple of times a week and apply oil and either butter or balm daily it’s never itchy.

  6. Feels better than having to shave.

    I trim up the neck, and keep it pretty short (7mm beard, 5mm moustache)

    Once you get past the day 3 itchiness, you don’t even notice it, really.

  7. Scratchy. I always shave before it gets to be a “real beard” though, and I think it’s just itchy because it’s just that short length. My facial hair is too patchy to actually grow out.

  8. Honestly can’t even tell it’s there as long as it’s properly trimmed. For instance, if I let it grow down my neck and have an undefined beard line it can get very itchy and annoying but if I keep a tidy beard line trimmed in, it’s not even noticeable.

    The Moustache is another beast on it’s own, I can grow some damn good facial hair and I love to let my Stache grow into a big Sam Elliot walrus from time to time, but you almost have to relearn how to eat properly with a big moustache and no matter how hard you try there will ALWAYS be food in it that needs to cleaned out after a meal.

  9. It’s fantastic, you look instantly older so you attract both girls in their mid 20s and their MILF mothers. It does require work and maintenance but it’s better than taking care of a dog or cat. Even if your young and it’s got some grey, those are wisdom whiskers.

  10. If I can make it past the itchy growth phase, it doesn’t look half bad, but it does make me look a lot older.

  11. Feels like I have my childhood blanket held up to my face permanently, and that makes me happy

  12. Good if you take care of it.

    Trimming is very important. Shaved hair is scratchy, but trimmed hair is much softer. If it’s scratchy, trim it with a good pair of electric trimmers and it’ll help a lot. Trimming also keeps it at a nice length between Overconfident Teenager and Doomsday Prepper.

    It’s also important to keep the skin beneath nice and clean, since you really can get bits of things caught in it, and breaking out under a beard is more unpleasant than breaking out when cleanshaven.

    A bit of beard oil goes a long way – nothing too fancy, just a little something to keep it soft and de-pubify it a bit.

  13. depends on the stage of growth its in, stubble is like a matchstrike, ten day is like copper wire that you have to oil constantly to keep soft, a month in and its you trying not to shave it, and for me the yeard covered my chest and belly down to the navel so it tickled at times.

    my hair grows like my father was the missing link.

  14. Like nothing most of the time. I don’t really notice I have one unless I look in the mirror or put my hand on my face.

    If I put my hand on my face it feels hairy. The hair is a bit less soft than head hair. If it’s just recently been trimmed, it’ll be pretty prickly because all of the hairs have sharp edges at the end (from the trimmer).

  15. Irritating. Course, rough, or you can spend some time oiling it everyday.

    Regardless it pissed me off sleeping on because I have a nice squishy pillow and a cold soft pillowcase but all you feel regardless is hot scruffy beard on your cheek.

    If the laser hair removal wasn’t so expensive I’d be doing that.

  16. I guess it kinda depends on how long the beard is and if the man takes care of it or not.
    I tried growing a manly beard once.
    It took forever, as my facial hair grows hella slow, but I finally got it a decent length.
    Unkempt, it feels a lot like pubes on your face. With beard oil/beard products and grooming it looks, feels, and smells nicer.

    I prefer to have some facial hair, as I cannot stand the cold, and being clean shaven makes the world SO cold, even in the warm months. It’s like having a small puby blanket on your face to keep it warm. I also prefer to have some facial hair, as my genetics make me have weird turkey neck looking thing, and having facial hair mildly masks it and makes me more confident in my appearance.

    My Girlfriend on the other hand wishes I’d either have 5 o’clock shadow or a very small length of facial hair.

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