Me (26)my bf(29)
i found at my bf phone chats with his coworker telling her that he’s sorry for trying to kiss her a few days ago, and I also saw photos of them drinking coffee together. I have the feeling that he likes her but she only takes advantage of the attention and how he follows her (driving her to work ando home, coffee, food…)
I also know that he was at her house for 3hours, but he says that she was getting ready and showering, i dont belive it.
I don’t know what to do, I already confronted him with everything but he calls me crazy.
I told him that if he doesn’t want me, I’ll give way to the other girl so he can be happy, but he doesn’t want to let me go and says that he dont want her.

  1. The dude’s cheating…and lying. You know what you need to do. Don’t argue with him; just do it.

  2. Sounds as if he has already checked out of your relationship. If he is talking to or seeing another women in an intimate manner then he has broken the integrity of your relationship regardless. Doesn’t appear that he is very reaffirming by calling you crazy when you confront him either. You shouldn’t have to be second best to him. Unless it had been clearly discussed prior that this was an open relationship (which from the sounds of it I doubt it) you, His SO, should take priority. Don’t perpetuate a toxic situation. Your only going to hurt himself. Put the ball in your court. Put YOUR happiness first. Leave him and see if he comes crawling back. Then you’ll truly know where you stand with him.

  3. Yeah, it doesn’t matter whether he’s actually SLEPT with her or not. Not only is his behavior COMPLETELY over the line, but when you came to him with your TOTALLY VALID concerns, he deflected and called you crazy. I know how much it hurts, but do yourself a favor and cut him loose – immediately,

  4. He tried to kiss her? Sorry but, it doesn’t matter what he wants. You need to be true to yourself. You need to ditch him.

  5. He is lying. But also trying to manipulate things, by telling you he wants you, he wants to secure sex, other benefits from u. If he “tried to kiss another woman”, his feelings may not be in your side anymore.

    I’m sorry, hugs. I know it hurts but pls don’t fall for the trap.

  6. So, what about the baby? Is it his? This can explain why OP is trying to figure out how to talk her self into forgiving him.

  7. Girl, what were you doing digging his phone for? What were you expecting? Anyways stop going thru men’s phones y’all finna get a heart attack at 30.

    If he a dog, he gon be a dog periodt. I think you already know what to do.


  8. Red flags galore. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be spending time at another girl’s place. Ask him if he’d like it if you spent time at some guy’s house for 3 hours.

    Him calling you crazy is classic gaslighting and manipulative behaviour. He wants to have his cake and eat it too, which is why he’s keeping you on the hook while trying to seduce this girl on the side.

    He’s got you now. What possible reason does he need to have this sort of a “friendship” with this girl for? And yeah, the text with him apologising for trying to kiss her. Very bad.

  9. He is gaslighting you to believe that you’re crazy and making everything up. A cheater is a cheater. Leave his ass. You deserve much better

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