How many times have you been in love with someone?

  1. I’ve been in actual love with a total of 5 people. I married and divorced one of them, and was engaged to another.

  2. 3 serious relationships in my life. My highschool bf who I was with for 4 years, but I was not good to him. My kids father was together id say roughly 6 years, who ended up not good to me. And my most recent boyfriend who was in and off for about 4 years.

    I care deeply for these three people still, but when I sit here and think about it I can’t definitively say any of it was love anymore. In many moments it was, but some moments were just attachment and routine. That’s sad, I feel like I always figured we define love our own ways, and now I don’t even know lol.

  3. Just one. I dated them almost 7 years ago and haven’t spoken to them in 4 years. I dream about them all the time and they’re the only person I just can’t get completely over.

  4. About 10x, all those times I was thinking it was forever.
    They are all strangers now.

  5. About a bazillion different platonic ways that I love my bestie.

    Another week, another way to get all misty eyed hehe.

  6. Three times

    First when I was a teenager (She broke up with me because she was scared her family would find out)

    Second when I was in college (Broke up with him because he got gross and neglected me)

    Third right before I moved to another country (Broke up with him because he was mean)

  7. Once, we’re together 13 years and counting?

    I’ve had some crushes on people before he came along, but never before really in love

  8. It’s kind of hard for me to tell honestly….

    Once for absolute certain, and probably two other times

  9. First love: Sexual discovery and infatuation intertwined.

    Honorable mention: Good guy. Never quite did it for each other.

    Second love: Swept away, but no future.

    Third love: Built it up steadily, from nothing. Petered out.

    Fourth love: We saw through each other immediately. Nothing has ever been so easy. Married now for 7 years.

  10. Once, but even liking someone is rare and a big deal for me and I’ve only been able to like 3 others.

  11. Three times. With number three at the moment. I hope it’s my last love partner

  12. I have been in puppy love as a teenager, I have been infatuated with a couple people, but I don’t believe I have been truly in love until my husband. It sounds cheesy and lame but it is the most reciprocal, mature and deep relationship I have been in.

  13. Twice.
    Once unrequited, and I married the second one. 13 (pretty damn happy) years and counting.

  14. Once.

    There have been many times I was infatuated, or obsessed, and thought it was love. There have been many times I was in love with the idea of having a SO, and crammed someone I didn’t really even care about into that position and thought it was love.

    But I have only ever actually found deep, abiding, real love with one individual.

  15. Five times. Only two loved me back though. Luckily one of them stuck around for awhile.

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