It’s kind of like a catch-22 situation I am in. It isn’t so much that I don’t want to socialize with people that is I don’t want the negative interactions that I face when I do. Like they give me some “get away from me” vibe. Of course this isn’t everyone, but it seems like a lot of people walk around (at least where I am from, US) with a scowl on their face and in a general bad mood. Seems nearly impossible to have a real conversation/connection with strangers, unless there is a good reason like work/business.

Anyone else here know what to do/have insights?

  1. You have to be able to read situations. Some people very obviously do not want to talk (like public transit on the way to work in the morning). Other situations are easy to converse.

  2. Everyone is dealing with the shit they have to deal with. People have their own pain. What we can so is try to keep in mind that it’s not against us and probably has nothing to do with us and then treat them with as much sympathy as you can. Then you’ll see people’s good sides and attract people who are friendly and open more of the time.

  3. If the “stranger” isn’t in the situation for the purpose of socializing or meeting new people, then it IS kind of weird to ‘approach strangers’ for the purpose of getting to know them.

    On the other hand if you’re at a party or a group activity, then yes, it’s natural to ‘approach strangers.’

    So, be aware of your context! Beyond that, your own vibe should be welcoming, warm, approachable. That makes it much easier to meet people.

  4. This problem is easily solvable by simply not approaching anyone.

    The majority of people are unapproachable today, that’s a fact.

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