Young men of reddit (under 30), what goes through your mind when an older male acquaintance or stranger calls you ‘son’?

  1. It’s belittling. There may be cultural things here; people where I live do not use that term in a positive way.

  2. i say it sometimes, but not to guys in their 20s. once they get around 11-12, it’s not really appropriate anymore.

    but that’s because i’m 42. maybe if i were 82 i’d feel differently, not sure.

  3. I’m 35 but in a field that probably averages an age of 60.

    Someone calls me “son” they get a blank look and an admonishment.

    The only guy who continued I started just saying “OK, grandpa” until he reported me to HR and I explained I thought it was just his way of interacting and if he doesn’t want me to say that then he shouldn’t used aged term with me. HR director agreed.

  4. It makes me go. “Let me sit on your lap and tell me about the war and the old days Pa Pa”

  5. Really depends on the culture you come from. Round where I’m from, that’s completely normal and no one would bat an eye. Say that in some other places and it’ll turn into a dick measuring contest real quick.

  6. I would not care because some people just talk that way.

    Y’all get offended too easily.

  7. I’ve never had that, but if they call me son. I think optimistically first thinking that they think of me as an apprentice/somebody they want to help reach their level.

  8. That whatever is going to be said, it’s meant with care.

    Something like I care for you as for own son.

  9. Literally happened to me 30 mins ago haha. I dunno I see it as a respect sort of thing, like they recognise my youth and respect the stage of life I’m at. Sounds dumb but idk how to describe it lol

  10. Just tell him he’s not your dad and to keep his liver spotted hands off your beautiful mother

  11. I live in the Southeast of the United States. You are liable to be called “son” by many of the older men who you come across. It is a term of endearment from an older man that is usually followed by advice relating to mistakes that the older man had made in the past.


    “Son, never touch your front breaks when you are going down a hill in a 4-wheeler. You’ll flip the damn thing and end up in the ICU.”

  12. My father calls my husband “son”

    He eats that shit up like crazy and has a man crush on my dad

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