What should a young adult just out of college do now to have a better future?

  1. Establish good habits. A proper schedule that fits in everything you want out of life. If you have the days you want it gives you the weeks months and years you’re looking for. Ensure it has time to relax, to work out, to get things done, and to socialize.

  2. Get a job in your field, work hard, save and invest as much money as possible, work on expanding your knowledge/skillset so you can get an even better job soon after.

  3. Exercise as much as you can. Invest as much money as you can. Continue developing your skills as much as you can.

  4. Do whatever YOU want. Dont listen to what other people tell you to do. Other people are not you and cannot comprehend what brings you joy.


    But obviously there are some things you probably shouldn’t do. Like; hard drugs, knife fighting, getting involved in a land war in Asia, etc.

  5. Find ways to invest your money in things that pay you back. I.e. rental properties. Get as many as you can

  6. Know how to save money and learn how to program. Whatever job you do, if you know how to write software enough you can automate a bunch of stuff and have more free time.

  7. Honestly, like the previous post said and take your vacation and PTO whenever you want. No company is ever worth your full effort unless it’s yours. The vacation and PTO part will help you self reflect and have your own time. At the end of the day, time is what’s most valuable.

  8. – Remember, finances are a means to an end, not the end itself.
    – Get your finances together before you get in a serious relationship.
    – Get your finances together before you have kids.

  9. Start saving money aggressively. You are gonna need it to buy a ticket to mars either for yourself or for someone you love.

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