I’m generally pretty good about initiating and holding a conversation but I tend to close conversations in a clumsy way even when it has otherwise been enjoyable which can leave a damper on the whole thing.

Any tips, habits or general things you do to close a conversation in a way that leaves everyone feeling good?

  1. Alright, gotta run

    Think I’m gonna head out now

    Honestly not much thought needs to go into the exit line. The important part is combining it with a preface or closing statement that indicates you enjoyed hanging out and/or leaves the door open for the next time you meet up.

    Such as:

    Good seeing you

    This was fun

    We should do this again

    Some kind of joke related to what you just did (like if you went skating and fell a bunch, you could say “next time I’ll only fall a half a dozen times”)

  2. “Well, gotta bounce, it was great talking with you!”

    Or, “I’ll let you go now, this has been a lot of fun!”

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