I remember years ago I was at a church event for young adults. I was there by myself because I didn’t have any friends at the time and I was new to the church. I walked over to this cute girl and I introduced myself and started talking to her. She eventually started walking away from me and I started walking with her and I asked her if I could get her number. I was so awkward and inexperienced when I was younger. I hate it. She said no but you can add me on social media.

I think I added her on social media but I don’t know if she ever added me back or blocked me right away. I don’t know why but this experience still bothers me to this day. I don’t know if she’s still on my page or if she just thought I was a creep and blocked me years ago. I guess it doesn’t matter but I keep thinking about this all day. I remember being so lonely back then. Remembering this experience makes me feel bad for me and her.

Tl;Dr I talked to this one girl and it was cringe and I can’t stop thinking about it

  1. Looking her up now won’t help. Why do you think this is replaying in your head? Why worry about it now potentially years later? Do you feel similarly lonely or was this more of an intrusive thought that popped up. Either way, you coming to terms and accepting the cringe is what you need for closure rather than reaching out or looking her up.

    Get up and do something active. The less mental energy you feed into these thoughts the less they will come up.

  2. > I talked to this one girl and it was cringe and I can’t stop thinking about it

    Do you wish to stop thinking about it?

  3. Why are you giving this real estate in your mind?

    It was a throwaway event that is years old. Let it go. She surely has.

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