Men with fear of commitment, how does this influence your datinglife?

  1. Most of the men on reddit would commit to the first women that looked at them sideways.

  2. For me I wouldn’t say it’s the fear of commitment when it comes to long-term. It’s trust issues in the system that envelopes relationships. Not leaning towards either way but a break-up or later on a divorce can be pretty damaging to both parties. Especially if the other party decides to be shitty about it. Of course, there are much more complexities involved, but for me personally, I have decided to be alone and commit to my siblings and parents as in spend time with them, help them out etc. when I can get away from work.

    In short it affects my dating life in a way that I don’t have any and I don’t want any. It’s family, career then myself and that’s it.


  3. This is a misconception. Men are not afraid of commitment. They just don’t want to commit to women they perceive are below their league. Unfortunately, many guys sleep with women below their league while they wait for the one they actually like.

    Guys would commit on day 1 to Margot Robbie for example . So it’s not an aversion to the concept but rather about finding the right woman for it and that takes time .

  4. I’ve only been with one woman my entire life, im in my mid 40s now and don’t regret it.

  5. Not much. Got more lovers than one but no more than three. Thats my limit, I cant handle more than three at once. Fear comes from divorce because the court raped me so fucking hard it trumatized me.

  6. I’m not interested in commitment right now. I’m not afraid of it. I’ve done it for years. But it would take an incredible person for me to think about it going it again.

  7. Decided to never get married over the course of my life, though I had many long-term relationships. I’ve since been up-front about it but in my later years… I’ve found that being up-front isnt enough. Women still think they can change your mind. Now I don’t date at all other than the occasional foodie dinner where I am 100% platonic and I still have to talk my way out of their pants sometimes. I want my own life… And I don’t want to keep disappointing women who are actually looking for a guy (good luck.) So ive pretty much stopped completely.

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