hey! I’ve been seeing this guy for a month now and although we’re not officially dating (because I’ll move away in december) he treats me like his girlfriend. He has only been good to me, takes me on cute dates and pays for everything. I’ve tried to pay and also told him that I don’t want him to pay all the time but he said he likes it that way. I would like to give him something back so that he feels appreciated but I’m not sure what. We both have the love language physical touch and I definitely show him affection that way and I also compliment and thank him a lot. But I kinda want to do something a little more special 🙂 Do you have any ideas?

A little bit info about him: he’s into sports (football, basketball), and also kinda country haha (likes fishing, hunting). He will cook for me on Friday and I would like to bring something nice, but I don’t know what, since he doesn’t really drink alcohol. It shouldn’t be over the top, just something most guys would like. A surprise or gift idea would be perfect.

Thank you in advance! <3

  1. A homemade dessert, definitely. Most — not all — guys who cook don’t bake desserts. BUT, we LOVE them.

  2. Anything that shows effort on your part.

    Or just put on a sexy outfit and dance for him.

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