Call me jealous or insecure, but I don’t like when my bf follows bikini models or female fitness influencers on Instagram 🤷‍♀️ In my eyes, there’s one reason and one reason only why a guy would follow accounts like that. My ex boyfriend made a massive fuss when I asked him to unfollow them, my current bf did it no questions asked. How do you REALLY feel when your girl asks you to?

  1. I’d think to myself “damn you’re insecure as fuck” but if I loved her then I wouldn’t tell her that and do what she wants me to buuut deep down I’d be judging your lack of confidence

  2. And you don’t get messages all day long from dudes in social media . We’re not stupid. And I guess your dating Tom Cruise who has a chance in hell with a bikini model? Please we men know we don’t have a chance with these women. What is there to worry about

  3. I have no problem with that. Don’t really follow IG models.

    What I do have a problem with is you then going IG to post ass pics. So basically, I have a problem with hypocrisy.

  4. I’d be confused. I’m not on Instagram and I’m pretty certain she knows I’m not.

  5. They’re IG models, they have a plethora of dudes hitting them up constantly. Not really a big deal.

  6. First, I don’t get the allure of following insta models in the first place, but why would you feel the need for him to unfollow them? Are you insecure about your bf looking at other women? Do you believe this would make him cheat on you somehow? Does the act of looking at them count as cheating to you?

  7. I will be annoyed AF, because of her insecurity. If we will set the bar that high then no one should follow any star ( which is crazy). We always like someone we don’t even know for their talent ect not everything is sexual attraction.

  8. I’d tell her to fuck off. I’ll follow who I want.

    That said, I don’t follow any IG girls at all. I have no interest in any kind of soft tease. Give me hardcore porn or give me nothing.

  9. Depends if she follows eye candy on her social media, or uses it for attention. If she does she’s a hypocrite if not I’ll point at the probability I get with any of them is practically zero. And even if I get the chance I pwouldn’t take it if I was in a relationship. Even if I wasn’t I probably wouldn’t take it. I’m not attractive enough to get that attention, if I get it something is suspicious.

  10. I think it is kind of pointless to ask someone else to quit following someone on SM like that, especially if it is someone that they don’t really know. It is not exactly competition or anything, and there is a lot worse stuff that could be found with the click of a mouse. It could also be counterproductive, in that jealousy and insecurities are not real attractive in a partner, and can drive a wedge into a relationship. If they are going to check out someone else online, sneak around behind your back, cheat, whatever, then it doesn’t matter what you want or allow them to do, they are going to do it with or without your blessing.

    All that said, I have never followed many people like that (except some fitness people that offer legit good info). I honestly don’t think my SO would say a word if I did. I wouldn’t say a word to her if she followed some good looking people. We both know where we belong at the end of the day, and that is what matters.

  11. No one has any saying on who or what I do with my own time or my social media.

    Once I had a gf that mildly suggested something like that and I knew it was a red flag to let her go.

  12. I don’t waste time or energy on Instagram models. Any kind of pornographic material is a thief in a relationship and you have every right to feel secure in your relationship. Asking that his intimate attentions be focused on you is not selfish or controlling it’s completely normal.

  13. Best thing would be for both of you to get off Instagram. That way nobody is following or being followed and no double standards.

  14. I nip that shit in the bud before it gets out of hand. I tell her that she needs to be more secure with our relationship or else we may not have a relationship. Call me Cold but I don’t play around with that projection ish.

  15. I don’t have the issues because neither of us have this social media garbage.

  16. I will call you a little insecure, because you are. But being a little insecure is a super minor thing, so don’t feel bad about it.

    If you’re getting super controlling then it’s another story, but honestly if a gf asked me to unfollow an Instagram model (I don’t follow any anyway, but let’s just say I did) then I’d probably do it without complaint.

    In short, you’re all good bro.

  17. It feels like a mandate, like something I’m being forced to do. So I don’t do it.

  18. I don’t use instagram, but if any partner demanded me to stop following anyone, and she was serious about it, she’d get one harsh “no” and a breakup the next attempt.

  19. Do you post you pictures on bikini?
    If yes, then you don’t have the right to ask him to unfollow anyone

  20. Well… In my marriage, not imposing control over each other is something integral to our relationship. We believe that jealousy is an unhealthy and unhelpful emotion that breeds distrust and hostility. Of course, we practice a nontraditional relationship style (polyamory) so I get that it’s a little different for us.

    But if I imagine hypothetically that I was in a traditional monogamous relationship and I was asked to unfollow sexy girls on Instagram, I would of course do it right away, to respect my partner’s feelings. But there would absolutely be a follow up conversation about jealousy. Like, do you think I’m not watching porn? Do you think I’m going to stop noticing pretty girls on the street? What if a personal friend who I know in real life posts swimsuit pics? Do I have to unfollow her too?

    I’ll do what I can to protect your insecurities but at some point you have to realize that libido wants what it wants, and it doesn’t mean you’re loved any less. Human horniness is a natural part of life, and fighting it will always be an uphill battle. I am an adult with self control; I don’t cheat on my partners. If you can’t trust me with that, then we don’t have enough trust to establish a relationship.

  21. I’d say she’s insecure af, like there’s a reason why I’m with her. I don’t have an insta, but like someone else said men don’t put much thought into the posts they like, the people they follow, etc like women do.

    Not to mention these insta models have dozens of other guys hitting them up every day or every few hours. So unless your bf somehow outclasses all of them by a mile… you still don’t have much to worry about. Like sometimes female fitness influencers are less annoying than their male counterparts.

    And as peeps2023 said, we know that most women even the super average ones get guys messaging them all the time.

    And if he wanted to cheat or fool around he would, it’s also says a bit how much you trust him as well.

  22. I don’t have a girlfriend right now, but if I did, and it happened to me, I’d first ask why the heck I should unfollow some random person I’m following just for their bikini model or fitness pictures. Then I’d assure her she has nothing to worry about or be jealous about, cause she’s MY girlfriend, the only girl I have eyes for. If she still expect me to unfollow, I’d reluctantly agree, but also while telling her it’s unhealthy to get jealous over something trivial like that, and she should work on it.

    To be fair, though. I say this because I wouldn’t tell my girlfriend to unfollow random dudes or women swimwear or fitness models. I have nothing to worry about, she’s not going to cheat on me, and she still loves me more than she does any of those guys, seeing as how she chose me over any of the other more hunky handsome men she could have landed.

  23. My girl wouldn’t have to ask me, because I’m already loyal without having to be told lmao

  24. Annoyed. Just Annoyed.

    What? We’re going to leave you for them? Girl I barely got you, and even that is a work in progress. What makes you think we got it like that?

    If you see me liking pictures, take notes! Maybe I think the outfit is hot, maybe the caption or whatever, maybe she has a nice ass. I(Girls do this too, and even IN PERSON). I dunno maybe it could be something I’m into, or a nice post.

    Think of it this way, I’d rather you than her. If I didn’t then I’d still be chasing her

  25. If you were mine, I would appreciate it. It would make me feel wanted and valuable. It is a simple request and a small price to pay to know that you emotionally want to keep me.

    We have a similar problem… Women who want to keep posting those pictures to get compliments and attention from other men. It works both ways and you asking him to stop following those women, suggests that you also won’t want to post your own.

  26. I realized a few times i instinctually clicked on some youtube vids with a sexy thumbnail… I was like ‘hahahaaaa, you got me!’

    Men are easily manipulateable by stuff like that, some more than others…

    On the other hand men might get the idiotic idea to get all jealous about their girlfriends watching some ‘the CW’ shows…

  27. I don’t follow any bikini models or influencers because it’s stupid. What do you even get out of it ? Its like needing 24/7 porn access. If I were following such models and my girl asked me to unfollow them I would but I’d expect the same of her.

  28. If you aren’t posting thirst traps yourself and you don’t follow models/ hot famous male celebrities yourself then I’d say the request is absolutely fair. However likelihood is that at the very least you do follow your celebrity crushes.

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