My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and it’s been a healthy relationship so far.. but recently (to make a long story short) all that he wants to do is drink, party, play video games and be with friends. I ask for time with him and there’s excuses. He promises me and him time and then ditches me for friends. I’m (18F) he’s (19M), I just feel so hurt… he just gets mad at me when I bring this up too. Any advice would be appreciated.

  1. Someone who loves you would show it and you wouldn’t be feeling this way. Drop him like a hot potato. You can do so much better.

  2. Im sorry that’s so hurtful. know it’s hard hear, but in a true partnership you won’t have to beg your partner to spend time with you- and they should definitely not get mad at you for asking for what you need. He sounds seriously immature.

    If I could tell my younger self this, I would say DONT stay and wait for him to get to your level. Seek someone out who’s ready to meet your needs today, not tomorrow. (I know it’s easier said than done, but you’re worth it, and those partners are out there)

  3. Yes, I do have some advice for you. Give him a taste of his own medicine: go out with your girlfriends and play single. Flirt with other guys. You don’t have to have sex with any of them, but there is nothing wrong in French kissing or dry humping. Here’s the benefits: 1. By planning to go out and have fun with your girlfriends, you will be sending out a strong signal of independence and confidence to your boyfriend. 2. Flirting with other guys will make you feel sexy and attractive, the way your boyfriend used to make you feel and is now refusing to. 3. And finally, there is no more potent aphrodisiac to a man, than the realization that his woman may leave him for someone else.

  4. He just doesn’t have any interest in you anymore, though doesn’t want to let you go as his girlfriend … so he just lets you stay around, probably doesn’t want to let you go because he has no interest in putting effort into any relationship– let alone a new one.

  5. Yah, leave. He’s immature, he has needs that you meet and everything else he’d rather get from his friends. Staying will make you miserable, he shows you by his actions how much he values you. Let this be the start of you knowing you’re worth more than this. What are you currently doing to advance your life?

  6. This seems that he takes you and relationship for granted so call him out on this and if he does not change himself then you should break up with him. You need to find a new guy who loves to do things with you and who wants to spend his time with you do some productive things to take relationship to a next level. Don’t you think that you deserve a better guy and treatment? Is this what you always wanted from relationship?

  7. He doesn’t want to continue the relationship but is too gutless to end it. He wants you to do it for him. And you should.
    A relationship should make you feel happy loved and secure. If it doesn’t then time to move on. You are both very young and have no ties to each other. And the relationship has taught you what’s important to you. So take that with you and move on

  8. Tell him what you need and tell him if he can’t meet your needs you’re breaking up. Give him X amount of time to shape up, and if he doesn’t then you leave

  9. I hear you saying that you need more quality time together with your boyfriend. There’s nothing wrong with that, but one sided neediness isn’t something most people enjoy. That’s not fun to be around, that somome is basically saying

    So I have to ask, what are you doing to sweeten the deal a little bit? Could just be something simple like making lunch for both of you.

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