I’m not sure how to go about this but here it goes.

Last week I (24f) was assaulted at work and told my boyfriend(25m) of almost 2 years about it. In that time frame he stopped touching me and interacting with me as much. I had even quit my job because he had told me that he could pay the bills and I could look for a new one. About 5 days ago it became too much and I tried to take my life. He was able to stop me but left me alone that same night. He broke up with me and hasn’t been back to our home.

In the time that he has been gone he’s barely talked to me and has changed his relationship status to single and only blocked me on Facebook. Yet he had called me and told me he loved me the day before that. He also still has me on other social media platforms still. He’s added girls that he used to talk to before he and I got together though.

I’m not sure what to do. All of his things are still here and so are our cats together. It hurts knowing he willingly left me at my rock bottom. He’s supposed to come by today and I’m not sure what to expect. How should I go about this? I feel torn because I do love him but at the same time how could he leave me when I needed him the most?

TL;DR assaulted and tried to make an attempt and boyfriend left. Not sure where to go from here.

  1. Where you go from here is he comes gets all of his stuff and you be done with him. There is no relationship. He showed clearly he is not there in hard times. This is not someone you want. Move on with your life and file criminal charges against whoever that was who assaulted you. Do that today.

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