So I’ve been crushing on this boy at my school for a while but I can kinda tell he’s one of the quiet ones like me. I have him for only one class which is English and he sits across the room far away from me so I’m not too sure on how to approach him or make conversation. But these past two days we sat in groups together and he sat right across from me, I really wanted to spark up a conversation but I don’t have much to say since I’m socially awkward and anxious all the time. I also feel like sometimes he sees me staring at him from across the room but I try not to make it obvious. Most of the time me and him are the last ones to leave the class so I always have the urge to say something I just don’t know what I should say 🙁 I feel like me and him would honestly get along very well if I just had good social skills

  1. You could ask I’m about a home work assignment or if he understood what the teacher meant by something, even if you don’t need the help. This will get a conversation started and possibly an opportunity to get a phone number or maybe meet him somewhere.

  2. here’s some ideas –

    “what are you doing foe Halloween this year?”

    “what are you writing about for your paper?”. or some kind of homework/ school assignment that’s applicable to that class)

    If he wears band tshirts w you like the same band (but no need to fake, only say something about it if it’s true)

    More school questions – does he play sports/ who does he have for home room , etc (do kids still have home rooms these days?)

  3. Maybe he’s one of the last ones leaving the class because he hopes that somehow he might get a chance to talk to you.

  4. Ask him for his opinion on things. Try to dive into how he FEELS about the topic. Ask open ended questions like “why” questions. When in conversation, don’t try to think about what to say, just kind of blurt things out. Maybe you guys hit it off and maybe you don’t. That’s normal.

  5. Just leave the guy alone and focus on your studies. School is to prepare you for life, not for you to have these inconsequential crushes.

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