So I’m recently single and have been going out a lot to different bars and restaurants and like to think I have a pretty good sense of people. However, there is a local Brewery I frequent with a young lass I fancy. I feel like she likes me, but wouldn’t want to sour a relationship with an acquaintance just to ask her out. I’ve talked to her several times, even getting her to stop doing her serving job temporarily to humor my conversation for about ten minutes. She also makes it a point to physically touch me every time I am there. Mind you, she is a server, not a bartender, so her contact isn’t gaining her any tips.

I think she’s interested in me since she knows my name and makes conversation every time, but I’m just apprehensive to change our dynamic. Should I just ask for her number, or is this more of just a situation where she is being a good service worker making a regular feel welcomed?

1 comment
  1. >or is this more of just a situation where she is being a good service worker making a regular feel welcomed?

    You can’t tell the difference, and you’ve interacted with her personally multiple times.

    We’ve never met her, nor you, nor seen your interactions. How could we?


    Safe to assume she’s being polite, welcoming and otherwise just doing her job.

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