Help so my boyfriend and I have been together for a while. We’re both the same age. Right now we’re going through a weird spot in our relationship.

Here’s why:
Two weeks ago, he got mad at me and was acting weird towards me, eventually causing me to not want to be in a relationship with him due to this one occurrence. He was being weird all day and acting rude but I was clueless as to what I did to make him upset with me. The following morning, he realized he was acting out of line and when I asked him why, he explained that someone was talking about me and told me what was said. I explained the situation and how this person got my words twisted. Nonetheless, I didn’t deserve to be treated like that. Two days later I tried to break up with him and ended up staying because I didn’t think this one event warranted us ending. However, I think I messed up by attempting to break up with him because ever since, I think he feels like I don’t love him (which I do very much).

Fast forward to now, and let this be the known pattern of the past two weeks, he started saying I don’t love him, that I’m lying about something (I’m not), and that I can do better. He told me to stay at his place while he napped but I had errands to run but while I was out I picked up some stuff for him that he didn’t ask for. On my way back, I called him, no answer. I thought he was sleeping but I walked in moments later and he was on the couch, on his phone. He knew immediately I thought that was weird. I didn’t make a big deal. While I was leaving I asked if he wanted to hang later and he said “idk yet depends on how I feel”. This is weird to me because normally he would want to.

I’m unsure if I should give him reassurance, space, or if I should end things for good. I thought he’d want the first thing but actively ignored my call. Can’t tell if he wants the second because of the way he was talking this morning.

  1. When a guy says that you deserve better they mean it. Him actively ignoring your call to me is a red flag. I don’t know what you see in this guy but when you do break up with him he’s probably going to throw a huge fit say things like “I knew you didn’t love me!”

    Please just do what ever is best for you and be as safe as possible about it.

  2. Girl him saying you deserve better is all you need to know. My ex told me that, and it was completely true. I should have left as soon as I heard those words. 🙃

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