It just feels awkward. I’m a 21 year old dude with no relationship experience, and recently I caught feelings for one of my long time female friends. We went on a few dinner “dates”, but I’m not sure how to proceed. I emphasize “date” because this word was never directly stated, instead it’s just “hey let’s go get food” and we go get food alone. I do get date vibes during this, but I never know how to proceed. I do try and flirt, but I have no idea what else to do without weirding her out since she never makes a move (am I expected to make all the moves)? The most she does it playful banter. I did hint at a relationship before as a joke, but most of the time I get shut down through banter. I don’t know if this is a form of flirting, or if she’s genuinely not interested.

Maybe this is why I’ve never kissed a girl at 21

  1. Impossible to say whether someone is interested without asking. But people don’t like going from 0 to 100, so better to practice flirting and escalating. There’s a good tutorial on flirting here []( .

  2. Don’t escalate, there’s a high chance you will lose her as a friend because she’ll view you as inappropriate and creepy

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