At what age did you finally feel like an “adult”?

  1. I just turned 23 yesterday and I still feel like I’m in the limbo between kid and adult, but getting closer.

  2. 31… Definitely not an adult!

    That isnt true. I moved away from home at 18, and was going to school and working multiple jobs in my early 20s. I felt like an adult then.

    I just still act like a teenager on the internet. Lol

  3. After purchasing a house at 26. It’s silly but having a mortgage makes me feel like a grown up.

  4. 18- I had to be fully independent and self-supporting at that point, so I had to be an adult and handle my life on my own.

  5. After I had a child and started working at a place that didn’t know me before kids.

  6. I was born old I guess because I started working fulltime at 16 and immediately started taking care of my finances, my credit, and planning for the future.

  7. As a 33 year old, I’ll let you know when it happens.

    I felt fully independent at 16, though, as that was when I moved out and away from my family and social circles, became self-supporting and handled my life on my own.

  8. Im 24 (turning 25 tomorrow) and I have to choose benefits for work, like retirement and beneficiaries. That sliver of a moment made me realize ruh roh, Im really a big girl now 😂

  9. I’m 28 and still don’t feel like an adult. I feel more like a kid with a mortgage and occasionally question who allowed that to happen.

  10. 31 … still waiting. I’m definitely an adult, but I look young and have anxiety and that’s given me some imposter syndrome.

  11. I’m officially 47 but when I feel like I’m an adult ‘ll let you know. I have so much growing up still to do.

  12. I’m 34, and I don’t really feel like an Adult. When I think about it, though, there are a lot of things I’ve had to deal with/manage related to my health issues that most people probably won’t until they’re much older, if at all. But there are also a lot of Adult things that I’ve been kind of locked out of due to said health issues, leading to living in some ways as Not Adult.

    I feel simultaneously 16 and 90.

  13. I’m 29 and I have a husband, own a house and have two kids. I almost feel like an adult, but I’m still studying and everytime I’m at uni I feel pretty young. I will be done in January and I suspect that when I land my first grown-up job I’ll feel like an adult, maybe, idk, maybe nobody ever feel completely adult.

  14. I’m 30 and still don’t, but this year has been the closest I’ve felt to feeling like an adult. I think it’s a combination of making progress on healing childhood trauma in therapy, doing very well in my career, and being in a committed, healthy relationship.

  15. I just turned 34. I own my own home, I’m married and have a 1 year old. Still don’t feel like an adult most days. Still call my own mom for advice/help. Maybe if my kid has a kid it will sink in?

  16. I’m 24 and still feel like a child… the only difference is I actually have money

  17. I’m 45. Still waiting.

    My SO and I just bought nerf guns though so I don’t think it’ll be soon!

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