So basically my boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 3 months and we communicate fairly well we also have a semi-big discord server for our friends and such. I have no issue whatsoever with my boyfriend hanging out with the female gender. Though this specific friend he has I’ve only met her once and I got a sour taste in my mouth with the way she spoke to him. I’m not sure if she meant it in this way or what but she was very flirty with him in front of myself and one of my friends. He saw nothing wrong with it even though I expressed how that I didn’t want him to be alone with her because I didn’t like the way SHE was behaving. He took that as me not trusting him even though I whole heartedly do just I understand how most women work. And currently he has been alone in a discord call with her for over an hour and it’s making me mildly uncomfortable and I don’t know what to do. I want to tell him that I’m uncomfortable but I don’t want to start a fight. Send help please I don’t know what to do. But I also kinda feel I’m being unreasonable and I just don’t know…. I should probably add that we both have Asperger’s.

TLDR: My bf has been in a discord call with a girl I feel uncomfortable with him being alone with for an hour after I told him how I felt about her.

  1. What are they talking about for over an hour?
    Hmm, you don’t think he’s cheating, right, but you don’t like her as she may be trying to get with your bf. You told him your feelings, and he obviously is ignoring you. Does your bf like all your guy friends? I want to tell you to teach him a little lesson, but it’s petty and immature. But I can be very petty and immature sometimes. lol

  2. I’m late to this party and it looks like you already fruitlessly tried to talk to him.

    I would say don’t worry about what he says and don’t trust him wholeheartedly. You are now learning that he hasn’t earned that trust.

    All you can really do is say these are my boundaries. I don’t want to date someone who is fine with someone disrespecting our relationship by flirting with him and then disrespecting me by spending an hour one on one on a call. That’s just not the relationship drama I want in my life and since that is what I’m getting here it makes sense for us to go our separate ways.

    Your boundaries are for you to enforce. Your boyfriend is stepping on them. Trying to explain it to him won’t work because he doesn’t care. He knows where you stand and he doesn’t care. That is what it boils down to.

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