I feel old , i also feel like time is running out , i don’t know what i want to do in life , i have a job , no car , didnt attend college but i might want to go soon.. did you feel like this at my age 😔?

  1. There is a big life ahead of you.

    I’m 60. In spite of having an enormous amount of life tokens, I still often feel the way you do.

    Carpe diem.

  2. I’m the same age, not sure about my major, feeling lost and in a hurry to get… Where I don’t know.
    However, to put some things in perspective:
    My friend just had her first baby at 37. That’s 15 years older than 22.
    My coworker became a nurse at 55. That’s 33 years older than 22.
    Hell, one of the old people I take care of is 98 and she can still walk and talk. 98 is literally 76 years older than 22.

    That’s a pretty big perspective and a pretty long time to get your life together.

  3. 23 here and in my 6th year of college. If I could do it over again, I would chose a trade to go into. I just find college to be a huge money grab all for a piece of paper. I have felt those same issues. What helped me get over “time is running out” is learning that everyone is on a different life path. College is for all ages and some of the best classmates I’ve had were the “old” ones with some life experience. Keep working hard, look into community college first, and never waste time on thinking about what others think of you. You aren’t alone and your feelings are valid.

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