For example, my Italian housemate thought Sunday roast was a special occasion but I’m just used to doing it most weekends with family.

Personal favourite – ferrets down trousers and gambling on it

  1. Drinking, all throughout the week, no matter the day.
    But no… we’re not alcoholics 🤙🏼🤙🏼

  2. Having whole aisles of supermarkets dedicated to low-grade, pre-packaged triangle sandwiches, and this being a very common workday lunch choice.

  3. Being absolutely apoplectic with a stranger but refusing to confront them, instead choosing to chunter to family/friends or at most, write a passive-aggressive note.

  4. Laughing gas (N2O) cylinders in parks and just people sucking on them canisters like their life depended on it is something I have never seen elsewhere

  5. Milk in tea. I work with a lot of eastern Europeans and they think im weird because I have tea with milk

  6. Saying to someone are you alright? Meaning how are you? Also you can say are you alright sarcastically meaning what’s your problem!

  7. And major upset!! granny just died, dog got run over etc is to say to anyone in the house I,ll go and put the kettle on for a cuppa?

  8. Telling the waiting staff that everything was great with your meal, then bitching that it was shite to your fellow diners.

  9. Celebrating when house prices go up (to even more unaffordable levels).

    In reality even if you own a house, unless you are planning on downsizing and taking the spare cash to enjoy you cannot actually benefit, and your children (all young people/the whole country) are just more screwed down the line …

  10. Selling infrastructure to other state governments to stop our state government from having any control over it

  11. Reserving the phrase “you’re welcome” for use *only* when someone hasn’t said “thank you” when they should have.

  12. FĂŞtes. Like village fĂŞtes. The whole idea of setting up a trestle table under a pop-up gazebo and selling overpriced cakes, next door to a game where you try to throw a hoop round a wooden stick, then behind that a stall with an urn that can provide lukewarm tea in a cup the size of a thimble.

    Or is that just where I grew up?

  13. Off lead dogs at the park. American Reddit users call YTA even if your dogs well behaved 🙄

  14. Back when I was a kid, on the mists of the early 80s, it was seen as ‘cultural entertainment’ to sit your kids Infront of a tent where some guy acted out a puppet show with a story about a homicidal maniac, a crocodile and some sausages.

    Punch and Judy, it’s wild.

    To be honest I wouldn’t put it past the Belgians to have something similar.

  15. Fruit squash that you dilute before drinking. As an expat you have no bloody idea how much I miss it and how difficult and expensive it is to find

  16. Putting vinegar on chips

    I’m yet to come across anywhere else that has malt vinegar as a condiment ready to go on the table like we do

  17. Window cleaners.

    I remember a thread a while back (I think it was on r/AskReddit?) where a lot of the, presumably American, commenters where very surprised that it’s common in some places to pay someone to clean your windows for you, as opposed to just doing it yourself.

  18. No electrical sockets in the bathroom and a cord hanging from the ceiling 🤣

  19. Jaywalking. yOu MuSt CrOsS wHeRe YoU aRe ToLd. Fuck off I’ll use my eyeballs to check if it’s safe.

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