Men of Reddit: How does it feel to be working a good decent job with good pay in a big house alone and unmarried?

  1. Loneliness finds every single person sometimes, but there are more good times and opportunities within the freedom than anything.

    I have room in my life for friends and family to come stay with me. I have the ability to have a whole new family of my own if I please. Call in escorts are awesome with a large bachelor home lol.

    I also have the ability to take off and do as I please without compromising my freedom. Pretty good deal for me.

  2. Awesome.

    The house isn’t exactly big, but I woke up this morning with my own agenda after a hard week at work. I have my plans, but am kind of taking my own damn time getting going this morning.

    I’ll be getting the yard ready for winter, today.

    Maybe go for a bike ride.

    Steak for dinner. Friends over to watch Oregon disappoint us in football, tonight.

    It’s really nice.

  3. That’s a silly question. It simply varies depending on if that is the life you want.

    If you want it if feels great. (Introvert)

    If you don’t want to live alone it feels like shit. (Extrovert)

  4. Peaceful. I’m deaf and I love serenity of silence and peace of mind. Very few women offered anything to rival that and those that did did it for very short time and it cost me dearly.
    No, thanks. I’m cool.

  5. It’s alright. I’ll get married eventually, but, for now, I’m enjoying the young, rich, handsome life.

  6. It’s usually cool. I don’t have a “big” house because I’m one guy, but the freedom to do what I want when I want is pretty great.

  7. Calm, peaceful, stable

    I don’t have the big house by choice – and it’s nice to make choices like that without having to take others into account.

  8. The house keeps me pretty busy. Gotta work overtime at the decent job to pay for the busy housework. But then I don’t have time to do the stuff. So kinda busy, kinda broke, pretty tired.

  9. I don’t own a big house, just a small condo, but it feels amazing. It’s like I’ve finally figured out how to live a perfectly peaceful life.

  10. My house and garage are packed full of toys for all my hobbies, the bills are on auto pay so I don’t have to worry about my finances (just check on them every 4-5 months), and I can do anything I want within these walls without worrying about the mess I make or rationalizing my behaviors/choices.

    So overall, pretty great. I need to eventually get a place with some land for outdoor projects, but that won’t be happening in this current housing market.

  11. I have an apartment, but to have my own place, a full fridge, and to be able to just…fuckin *BE*…it’s a hell of a feeling.

  12. Awesome!

    Well It wasn’t a big house, only 2 bedrooms, but all for myself.

    Anytime I would walk into the kitchen/sitting room I would feel so blessed when realising, there’s no one there, only me.

  13. Me and my buddy (actually it is his definition) defined freedom as the ability to jerk off in any corner of any room in the house, at any one time.

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