Hi. I’m a thirty something with literally no friends. 80% of my time is spent working and the other 20% is spent with my fiancé. I have no hobbies other than some time at the gym and watching reality competitions. I have zero desire to have friends and the thought about having to tolerate another person outside of work stresses me out. I genuinely dislike being around other people. It’s not that I dislike people it’s just I do not like being around them, I just have no interest. Even when I pretend to be social I can only do it for so long without my lack of being my genuine self starts to bother me. My fiancé is the opposite. She is fairly social. The problem is it hurts our relationship in many ways because she wants to have couple friends and I literally don’t care for it other than to make her happy. I see having friends as a burden not as a fun time. I feel like there is something wrong with me. I want to feel social and friendly and be normal and be able to make genuine social connections, it’s just that I can not. Is there something I can do to change this? Would medication help? Am I a lost cause?

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  2. You’re probably just wired that way. For me I was very social, had bad results, became anti-social. Whatever makes you happy.

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