As I posted before the last time my wife, and I had sex she mounted me, and began fingering me which only made things harder for me to my surprise. I’ve been struggling for a few days to tell her I wanted to explore things about me with her. Now the kids are leaving for the weekend to go out of state, and it’s just us so we went to buy some new makeup for both of us as well as some new stockings, and lingerie for us both which was a little odd.
My wife as stated previously knows I at one time was a non op trans woman. She was always fine with it so long as it wasn’t who I am now.

Now since she did that the other night it’s gotten her into this idea of us having a girls weekend where we just be girls all day and have tons of sex which sounds great but I am so nervous idk what to do. She doesn’t want the kids knowing about this side of me yet both of our oldest are bisexual, and one is a lesbian and she’s fine with that! I just feel like maybe after three years she’s using this as a means of seeing if she can accept being married to me if I were to decide I want to be female. It scares me honestly but she has also given me permission to have a dirty chat buddy so I’m a little confused. Anyway I’m sitting in the tub so tell me your thoughts! Guys, girls, everyone I want to hear your thoughts! Also open to PM if too sensitive to discuss.

  1. The cynical side of me is saying she’s testing you to see if that side of you is really gone or would come back.

    This bit though does give me hope that she’s being genuine and is trying.

    >She doesn’t want the kids knowing about this side of me yet both of ouroldest are bisexual, and one is a lesbian and she’s fine with that! Ijust feel like maybe after three years she’s using this as a means ofseeing if she can accept being married to me if I were to decide I wantto be female.

    I noticed you wrote:

    >It scares me honestly but she has also given me permission to have a dirty chat buddy

    Never take that up, stay as far away from that as you can, that’s a noose waiting to be used.

    Enjoy the girls day with her, go with the flow and follow her lead, but things like that dirty chat buddy permission, they are traps.

  2. It sounds like she wants to explore the feminine aspects of your sexuality. I don’t think that she’s using this weekend to decide if she’d want to stay with you after you transitioned from male to female. I think that she justs wants to have a girls weekend an she wants you to dress as a woman. You should ask her why she wants to have a girls weekend and have you dress as a woman. It sounds like you’re going to have a fun weekend.

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