Long story not so short, I have been fighting a long hard battle between heart and mind.

I made a tough decision around 6-8 months ago to break up with my girlfriend of 2 yrs for multiple reasons mainly being us having different lifestyles and futures.

For 2 months she was constantly reaching out and trying again but I refused it all. Now she has found someone else and seems happy.

For the past 3 months or so I have been constantly battling between thinking I have made the right decision for the right reasons and missing her so much…

Now i have lost, messed it up for myself again and have to accept that i am alone again and hope I made this decision for a reason. Long road ahead.

  1. But then it hit…

    When they are doing better than you, seem joyful, happy, and you aren’t exactly flourishing, you feel that twisted feeling in your gut of this awful concoction of regret, jealousy, anger, and sadness.

    You almost feel selfish bc of it and It’ll be a fat minute before it subsides.

    Cliche quote incoming….If you truly love someone, you will want the best for them. That includes happiness and everything that follows. You already know that.

    But yes it still sucks. You know exactly what to do. Once again, it’s cliche, but there’s a good reason for it.

    Focus on yourself….

    Back to the drawing board my friend. Good luck OP

  2. Just cuz she’s happy now doesn’t mean you won’t be. Or that she’ll stay that way 😈

    But seriously, stop watching her be happy and go be happy yourself. Do you, when you wanna do it. Girls come and go, next one is around the corner for sure

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