What is a sign of a messed up life?

  1. Constantly having to escape from yourself and your reality through distraction. Whether it’s social media, tv, news, drinking, drugs. If you constantly have to run from being present there’s a problem. This is why I like meditating.

  2. – Self hatred

    – Piles of responsibilities that you don’t have the time, motivation or ability to keep up with

    – Isolation

    – Too much or too extreme “reality escapes” such as excessive drinking and partying, binge eating, drugs, self harm, sex addiction, maladaptive daydreaming, impulsive shopping etc

    – Instability in relationships

    – Never actually relaxing, always on edge

    – Very messed up home

    – Bad grooming habits

    – Constant mood swings and lack of emotional regulation skills

    – Never asking for help OR needing help with EVERYTHING

    – Mentionable financial issues

  3. When you have unresolved trauma, can’t sleep, have constant anxiety, depression, stuck in the same place for the past few years, can’t let go of the past, start things but never finish them, can’t commit to anything or anyone, need constant escapism, have trust issues…I could go on. That’s why therapy is important. Mental health should not be neglected.

  4. Not having a routine in place, no healthy habits, and basically any sort of addiction. I speak from experience.

  5. A really dirty, so chaotic it’s no longer functional apartment. People have different levels of cleanliness and organisation, and that’s fine, but if someone’s home shows no amount of care and love for themselves, that’s a huge red flag that something’s gone off the rails and they may need help.

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