What’s your favorite thing about money?

  1. I like that money gives me choices and options in life. It allows me to buy what I want and need, travel where I want to go, and overall just live a good life.

  2. My favorite thing about money is that there’s nothing behind it, something so valuable and yet it’s absolutely worthless

  3. I have a decent amout of it. I use it to pay my employees a good wage, enough where they can raise a family. Hella better than wally world. I xan pay for my kids college as long as they take classes worth taking.

  4. The security and freedom it grants me. Money is a gateway to an easier life with more time (our most valuable resource) to spend my life the way I want.

    Edit: how did this post prompt a bot to post suicide prevention numbers?

  5. Homer: Aw, twenty dollars? I wanted a peanut!
    Homer’s Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts.
    Homer: Explain how!
    Homer’s Brain: Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

  6. Unlike people I can actually rely on it doing what it’s supposed to.


    The only time I’ve ever been let down by money was when I didn’t have enough of it. Being super rich is my number one fantasy. It can buy me almost everything I actually care about (that I don’t already have). I’d never go without or “settle” ever again.

  7. It’s the material form of time. The more money you have, the more of your time you control.

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