I’m talking colleagues, friends of friends, SO’s of friends, relatives etc who you don’t really like for a reason you can’t quite put your finger on. There’s just something about them that doesn’t click with you.

Do you have these people, and what do you do about it?

  1. I don’t do anything about it. I’m kind, polite, friendly, professional, and respectful, but I don’t seek those people out or choose to spend my time with them more than necessary.

  2. There’s nothing to do. I am polite and civil when I have to interact, and don’t think about them otherwise.

  3. I treat them just as any person I’m not close to and not interested in getting closer to. I’m friendly/professional, civil and polite, but I don’t put any excessive energy and effort in, I don’t take iniative to interact with them, and I don’t spend more time around them than I have to.

    The only difference is that I probably will vent/complain about them later to friends or family members who are on the same page as I, lol.

  4. Act politely around them but also don’t make much effort to interact with them unless it would be noticeable if I didn’t.

  5. I don’t really do much of anything about it. I’m polite, as friendly as I need to be for the context, and don’t make a big thing of it.

    If it’s someone in my personal life I really can’t shake (e.g. a friend’s SO), I will try to work through it and give them the benefit of the doubt, but if it’s a random relative or colleague, I just do my best not to interact with them.

  6. This happens to everyone and it completely ok. You can’t like everyone.

    I treat them politely but don’t spend more time with them than necessary.

  7. As long as you treat people respectfully when you have to deal with them, you can feel about them however you like. There are going to be people who don’t like you for no reason too, which is also okay. Nobody likes everybody.

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