My husband is doing something that I think is very wrong, and he won’t stop. I tell him I think it’s wrong and risky and he just won’t listen and keeps doing it. We are starting marriage counseling but I’m worried to even bring it up to the counselor. Anyone have issues like this? What did you do?

  1. Hard to give advice. If you think it’s wrong, that’s your subjective opinion. Not necessarily wrong.

  2. It sounds like an actual legal issue, so there is no discussion or negotiation. If it’s illegal, it doesn’t matter what he thinks, he’s putting you at risk.

  3. Go to an individual counselor. They can help you work through the issues while being mindful of your wants and needs. Good luck.

  4. Why are you worried to bring it up to the counselor? Are you afraid they would report your husband to the authorities? If so, ask on the first appointment what their client confidentiality covers. Unless it’s something like child abuse/porn it’s likely not something they’d report. If it is something like that, you should report him yourself.

  5. OP word of advice I told my therapist I have thoughts of afterlife (not suicide) and she reported me, so my advice don’t fucking trust them. Don’t tell them directly. She reported me and I got calls every 6 months for suicide watch…

  6. Obviously it’s vague intentionally. But protect yourself and your assets at the end of the day. Seek legal counsel.

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