I’m 24F. I’ve always thought romance was over rated and I’ve been cool with the idea of being single all my life than having to adjust with someone just because somebody said so. But recently I’ve been reading books concerning dying and in all of them the dying person spends their last days with their loved hubby/wife. I also recently fell for a guy and we broke up recently and I’m still so much into him. The breakup hurts so much because 1. I still have feelings for him and 2. I Don’t think I’m gonna find anyone as awesome as him anytime soon, took me 24 years to find him. I tried meeting people from dating apps but haven’t got that spark from anyone and I don’t think I would. 3. I’m 24 and finding a nice person is going to get difficult with age cuz the dating pool gets slimmer with age and I don’t wanna die alone bc of all the books i read. My hair has already started to gray and I’m freaking out.

Should I actively try to find someone? Or should I take a chill pill and go with the flow? Am I overthinking this?

  1. Yep, definitely overthinking it. I wouldn’t say that the dating pool gets slimmer with age, but people get more cautious regarding relationships. Love all you want, but don’t feel pressured about time cause you’re too young for that, unless you plan on dying anytime soon. Also gray hair is cool af, I say that cause my head is full of it at 28 xD

  2. So a couple things.

    Part of why your feeling this way is because things ended with someone you really like. That’s a stressful and painful thing to go through and it’s normal to have moments of doubt and dread about your dating future. Not to mention your reading sad books that feed into this. Understand your brain, like all of ours going through this, isn’t quite its normal self right now.

    You maybe be 24 but it didn’t really take you that long. You probably started dating what when you were 16? On top of that dating doesn’t follow some kind of math. Meaning it doesn’t follow at all you’ll have to wait another 8 years to find the next one, it’s all just random luck and effort.

    Take a second to look through all the dating apps and subreddits, you will notice so many single people 24+ who are looking or were looking and found someone. You have so much time.

  3. As another single 24F that went through a rough breakup, right now it feels like you’re never going to meet someone like him and that you’re going to be a spinster grow old and die. But months will go on, and you’ll feel better, I promise. We’re still very very young, just enjoy your amazing life and you will find someone amazing to share it with 🙂

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