I recently got myself a gym membership.
Needless to say that there are plenty of people everytime I get there.
I have little to 0 experience when it comes to working out and im also not very strong (i struggle a lot with body dysmorphia and cant even bench more than 25kg rn)
But I somehow need to ask people for tips and help when it comes to things i have no experience on.
How do i do this without sounding and looking like an absolute noob??

  1. Ask the workers. Explain you’re a noob and own it. The only way you’ll learn is to ask. There is no shame in that- everyone was a beginner once.

  2. You don’t have to ask anyone for help. Just look up on the internet how to do exercises, what muscles each exercise or machine targets and become more of a self learner.

    Not once did I ever ask anyone how to do an exercise, don’t rely on other people there.

    Matter of fact, don’t even talk to the people there.

  3. In addition to asking the staff, or for that matter other gym goers (generally people like to give their opinions), there are excellent resources on [https://www.bodybuilding.com/](https://www.bodybuilding.com/) and [https://exrx.net/](https://exrx.net/) . In my experience, buff people at the gym are focused on their workout, they’re not thinking about you. Many of them are very friendly if you strike up a conversation and ask for help.

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