She helped me a lot to be confident at my new job and occasionally gave me a lift when she could during which I had great conversations with her. We didn’t talk much and I was content to keep it that way for a bunch of reasons. Thing is of course she’s leaving next Friday as well as moving to a place like ten houra from here. I’d like to keep tabs with her and perhaps even see her again when she visits my town again some time. I don’t know how to go about it though. I already have her number, she gave it to me so I could ask her to give me a lift when it is possible though I pretty much only used it for work reasons. I don’t just want to just show up awkwardly in her texts, but asking for explicit approval would be just as awkward.

  1. No, receiving her express approval is responsible.
    Yes, sometimes something responsible is also awkward. If she holds you in any regard, awkwardness will not be an issue in this. At all.

  2. I take it that the move is a good thing for her. If so, how about telling you that you’re happy for her. You can tell her that you appreciated her help with getting settled into the job. You can also thank her fro the rides and mention that you enjoyed the conversation. Then just say that you’d like to keep in touch. Don’t feel too awkward or anxious about that. She won’t see it as anything out of the ordinary. Lots of people do that, although to be honest most don’t follow up.

  3. Go for her Instagram since it’s a good way to be interactive without it not having to be too direct. Meaning that you don’t have to text her but, you can like her photos or stories which keeps a close contact with her. Or if you’d like you could do Snapchat for streaks and all but, that’s totally up to you since I don’t know how comfortable or close you guys are with eachother

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