I live in what claims to be the biggest village in the UK and it has only one petrol station, which has been closed for the past week due to no deliveries.

  1. Unaffordable housing being built with no infrastructure to facilitate all the new people moving into the town

  2. All the houses have no driveways. People park anywhere on the side of the road.
    Park on a corner? Yeah why not.
    The same people will then speed round those corners without being able to see what’s coming.

    Usually people that spend more money on their car each month than I do on my mortgage.

  3. Roadworks and road closures are currently causing absolute chaos. The main arterial route between north and south which runs through our tiny, ancient town is closed along a very short narrow stretch while a building alongside has its roof replaced. It’s an A road so the only viable, official diversion (the only suitable route for lorries and other large/heavy vehicles) is about 50 miles round for a stretch of closed road no longer than about ten metres. All the other local country lane shortcuts have been rammed and blocked with frequent crashes – there were five on one stretch of road within the space of one day at the weekend. As well as that another route in to town from the outskirts has been closed for months, and one of the aforementioned country lanes is due to be closed next week too. It’s an absolute nightmare.

  4. A largish village (population 6k) but no Deliveroo/Uber Eats! There’s is a decent chippy but of the 2 curry houses, neither are any good. First world problems, I know…

  5. Our main road is very long and straight. Evenings and Sundays, people use it for drag racing and they have those exhausts which are designed to wake up people who live in other countries. I’m this close <-> to putting down a stinger or a load of brass tacks.

  6. There’s only one decent bakery, so the queue for my morning pastry is always atrocious.

  7. The investment firm that owns the local shopping centre have put it into managed decline, before covid they were going to add a cinema and restaurants so that side is an abandoned building site and half the shops are empty in the other side which is pretty depressing.

  8. For me personally, lack of things to do with the kids.

    We live in a small market town. Theres one little soft play just outside of town and then a couple parks.

    Our eldest turns four soon so we’re gonna start taking her on a few “hikes” soon. We’re a stones throw away from the dales so it’d give us so many more days out if she enjoys them.

  9. I love the city in live in (Newcastle/Tyneside), but in terms of career options it’s very limited compared to other cities/areas of the same size. Basically its 2 hours drive to Edinburgh, nearly 2 hours to Leeds and only really Carlisle to the west. Middlesborough and Sunderland are both shitholes, and everywhere is at best a medium sized town. The job market is much more restricted.

    Anywhere below Leeds can offer jobs in a few different areas (unless you are in a renowned rural area like Cornwall) that combined give more career options.

  10. development, they want to build a football ground right beside a pond that has great crested newts, no one seems to give a shit

  11. Tiny, middle-of-nowhere, surrounded by farming community town in Scotland is absolutely plagued with drugs. People ODing every other day. Cocaine has become the new bag of peanuts at the pub and no one seems to think it’s an issue.

  12. > it has only one petrol station, which has been closed for the past week due to no deliveries.

    [You can thank the “Just Stop Oil” protestors for that.](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLCrdnEF/) They recently broke into a yard where several fuel transport companies stood trailers and slashed every single tyre. At £300 per tyre and six tyres per trailer there’s £10,000s of damage and it’s not that easy to conjour up a few hundred super single tyres at short notice.

  13. They’re installing fibre cable and its total random luck which road has temporary lights and road works.

  14. The garden rubbish recycling service doesn’t take any new subscribers and I have no way to get it to the dump. Has been like this since before the pandemic I believe.

  15. Lack of delivery services.

    Fucking near impossible to get a takeaway delivered here. No apps available either 😂

  16. We’re too posh to have any good takeaways, and I’m working class af so I don’t fit in at all, but no maccies, Burger King, kfc, Pizza Hut, anything like that. There’s a couple of places like an Italian and a chippy that are really nice but it’s so expensive, I’ve £40 for 2 of us. Also there’s a Facebook Karen who keeps the street clean and she fucking hates us she’ll put us on blast over shit like having a bit of moss on our driveway or a bit of litter being on the street near our house where it’s clearly not our fault. One time she came to deweed our driveway, ended up breaking bricks, damaging the wall and knocking our doorbell off

  17. Noisy exhaust twats.

    Just as electric vehicles are helping to make traffic noise quieter, so there seems to be a sudden increase in selfish dickheads waking up thousands of people as their pathetic little Golf or moped speeds around the town. If I could have a superpower, it would be to make all vehicles just disappear into thin air as soon as they reached a certain noise level, leaving the dismal little prick drivers/riders bouncing down the tarmac on their moronic faces.

  18. The village Facebook page which is a combination of lost pets, complaints about dog poo and bad parking, racial profiling of delivery drivers and pyramid schemes.

  19. House builders not making enough parking. Thus making streets look ugly with cars parked on the curb

  20. Too many new housing developments being given the green light but not the infrastructure or services in place to support it.

  21. Right on the edge of a commuter town. New build.

    *Everyone*, literally other than 2 houses (who have cats), have at least one dog. Some more.

    No dog poo bins until we all complained, only put in two. Chock-a-block after 7 days. Empty them every 21 days.

    Brilliant… it’s got to be 150 dogs using these two bins.

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