We dated for a few months. Broke up in July. I wasn’t really expecting it and kinda struggled to get over it. It was because she had more important stuff to focus on. Tbh we hadn’t really hung out in like a month because we were on vacations with opposite schedules. She then added and unadded me on Snapchat like 3 times. (That was our main way of communicating idk why). And then a “friend” of mine started a rumor about her, I told her because I don’t want to look like I’m trying to get revenge or whatever, she was nice about it, then she talked to my “friend” about it and she ended up blocking me. I’m not really sure why.

Anyways, she’s snapped me from her friends phones, messaged me at a football game, etc. This was all in august-early September.

Then we were at a party together and I had a little to much to drink. I distinctly remember her staring at me through the window. (The stairs are directly beneath the window) so I was looking up and she was deadass staring at me. And then I moved past the stairs, and she stared at me through the door. I thought it was really weird.

As of Saturday, not much had happened. Other than catching her staring at me sometimes. And a couple people telling me to ask her to homecoming. Even though the people who told me to ask her love drama and stuff so not exactly a reliable source. She pretty much stopped messaging me and stuff. I didn’t ask her. And not much happened, until homecoming on Saturday. People were in mosh pits and stuff and a couple of times I’d have to walk past her and her friend to get to my friends. No big deal. So I just pretended not to see her. (I don’t really prefer doing that but it’s what she’s been doing to me. A couple weeks ago I was gonna say hi when I walked past her but she turned and walked the other way). Anyways, this happened a couple of times. And both times she kicked me. And it wasn’t an accident. Like I full on saw her kick me (softly) right below the knee. And it was on purpose because she wasn’t really doing anything at that point.

What does she want? If she wants attention, why doesn’t she like reach out or something? If she hates me, why does she keep doing all of this stuff?

Tbh I also drunk texted her. Not my brightest moment. Immediately apologized. But at the same time, if she wanted my attention she probably would have texted back.

What do I do? I’ve tried being friendly. Not to rekindle anything but just because it’s the mature thing and she walks the other way. It’s so weird.

TLDR: ex acts weird around me. I can’t te why.

1 comment
  1. Whatever her reasons, she’s acting like a child. If it gets too bothersome, tell her to leave you alone. Otherwise shrug and walk past. Either way, don’t engage with this sort of behaviour. Don’t act out either, lile with the drunk texting.

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