Do you still talk to any of your ex’s? Why/why not?

  1. Technically yes, as the break up was amicable and were Technically still friends. Though to be honest, we haven’t spoken in years besides the occasional happy birthday, or condolences.

  2. No, I have one ex on social media from 10 years ago but we don’t talk. Why? because why would I? they have their own lives now, they have new boyfriends/husbands who wouldn’t be happy with me talking to their SO’s, and when I meet someone new I doubt that they are going to be cool with me keeping in contact and checking in on an ex…I know I wouldn’t be cool with it.

    Ex’s are ex’s for a reason, keep the past in the past and move forward.

  3. No, when you leave a catastrophe, you don’t look back, lest you get turned to a pillar of salt.

    I block all my exs and delete all their pictures. If we done, we done. There is no looking back, or staying “friends”, or being dependent on each other.

    It’s called being an adult

  4. One of my exes and I still have a bunch of mutual friends.

    I don’t really care for him as a person, but sometimes we’re at the same party and will make polite conversation.

    That’s about it, though, don’t even have his number on my phone to text him.

  5. im friendly with two of them. we dated way back in 2005-2007 when we were all in highschool. im friends with them on facebook and we interact but we arnt like beasties. One of them was many years back but that feels like ages ago.

  6. No. The past is the past and I’ve no interest in revisiting it. I’m friendly with the good ones if I meet them while out and about, but the bad ones don’t exist to me.

  7. Yes, but not by choice. My ex-wife and I have kids together.

    Otherwise, no. I don’t see the point of talking to someone when a relationship didn’t work out, even if the break up was amicable.

    Also, future partners tend to feel uneasy if you are still talking with a previous partner unless kids are involved.

  8. Let me think… wanted to cheat on me, afaik to the day tries to put the blame for everything (including the cheating attempt) on me alone and refuses to take any responsibility for any of her shitty actions. Lied to me multiple times on important stuff around/in context with the break up. Refused to talk to ME about any problems she had with me and instead runs to mutual friends to complain about stuff, even when I’d ask her directly. Made stuff up that I allegedly said and made up stuff I allegedly did not say to paint me as the bad one (too bad I got a habit of keeping text messages of all kinds saved instead of deleting them frequently so I could actually look it all up to make sure I’m not remembering something wrong).

    I’ll let you guess the answer to your first question now.

  9. I’ll talk with one at random times throughout the year. We were really good before we started dating and didn’t end on terrible terms. So, we’ll check up on each other once or twice a year. The other two hate me though

  10. A couple. One regularly, the other on occasion (not just to chat for no reason, if something is relevant).

    The former I have a child with, so regardless of anything else not speaking wouldn’t be an option. The latter and I haven’t been together for over a decade, and I am not really one to hold grudges, especially when I was far from perfect.

  11. Not only do I not talk to them, I don’t even have a way to talk to them even if I wanted to.

  12. We were friends before we dated going back to third grade. We are still close friends today. She is even friends with my wife.

  13. Yes. We were friends first in the cases of the people I still talk to, and we had the good sense to end things when it was clear they weren’t going anywhere good, but before we started to resent each other too much. We’re all in new relationships now and all understand that there is zero chance of us ever getting back together romantically/sexually. Not being compatible enough to be life partners is a stupid reason to burn a good friendship to the ground for.

  14. My last ex gf is the only person I’ve been friends with. We have been friends for over 3 years. We go hiking, take road trips, have lunch, got to movies. I ask her for dating advice. We cook together, discuss politics, we discuss what we are dealing with in our life’s.

    We ask each other for advice on various subjects. She knows my past in detail and I know her past in detail.

    If we were the only two people on earth, we would work together to survive.

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