Women are welcome to comment, too, but I am mostly interested in men’s perspective.

  1. There are a number of things that can make a man’s blood boil, including witnessing injustice, feeling disrespected, or seeing someone he cares about being treated poorly. Other triggers may include feeling like one is being ignored or unappreciated, or feeling threatened or helpless.

  2. That circumcision isn’t treated the same as labiaplasty: denied for healthy children.

  3. Irrationality. Usually when people act waaayyy too emotional and throw fits or tantrums.. makes my blood boil.

  4. seeing alot of women in this sub complaining about “having trouble” talking or keeping in touch with guys

    instead of mature up and take accountability that they haven’t give a proper respond to them like a friend should.

    and not just straight up ask how they are doing and faced the situation regarding their relationships after how they made their bed with it…

    this is just hypocritical in my point of view, i have seen a lot of guys talk and ask each other about how they’re doing after they’ve done with their busy time like there’s no big deal…

    but somehow women always make it seem that its the guy’s fault for not texting nor calling them back all the time when they only give short replies or a respond thats barely proper most of the time we do initiate it….

    it seriously grins my gear they expects us to give them time and energy when they barely give us any.
    its feels like we are just there to be their temporary fans or something and it pissed me off how one sided that is.

    they’re not the only one struggling with how to meet people, so every time i see women complains about something like this i always tells them to grow a backbone.

  5. Make comfort level with their own ineptitude. So many men today are just fine explaining that they can’t be relied upon and don’t know how to do anything as though this is an acceptable state of affairs.

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