Winnie the Pooh entered Public Domain last year and already a,l sorts of weird shit is happening to him in films. But in the the 30S and late 20s stuff like Superman and Batman enter Public Domain. What’s something you’re curious to see be interpreted by anyone due to no copyright?

  1. The Wizard of Oz movie. MGM intensely protects copyright over the Wizard of Oz still, so it’ll be nice to see what people do without copyright protection in place.

  2. I’d like to see some of the tv shows and movies from the 50s and 60s enter the public domain. That won’t be til 2046-2066. I’ll actually be as much of an old person as it feels like to watch them…

    Mostly I like them because there’s less fornication and more emphasis on getting married first. Of course, they’re not completely free of that sort of thing either. I probably shouldn’t wait that long to see them though, it’ll be quite a while… Maybe I’ll focus on some of the 30s and 40s ones that will be coming out soon.

  3. Frankly, everything. Things take waaaaay too long to enter the public domain in my opinion. It should be a few decades after first creation, none of this author’s life plus 70 years nonsense or whatever shit we’re stuck with now.

  4. The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway went public this year, so other of his works, and those of his contemporaries, should be going public domain over the next decade or so.

  5. Popeye. I think it comes into the PD soon. I’d love to have more popeye cartoons and movies

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