For me its Klompen. Which are those dutch. Wooden shoes. I dont know why but they always creeped me out. Ever since i was a child. Lol.

  1. I get freaked by large objects. Nearly passed out watching Mega Constructions or some such on Discovery. The anchor for an offshore oil rig weighs 2 million pounds apparently. And it’s 200 feet long or so.

    Made me feel woozy

  2. That I will have an uncontrollable urge to stab myself in the eye with a needle.

  3. Loss of bodily control, having my leg fall asleep freaks the shit out of me and permanent nerve damage is something I’ve seen up close and want nothing to do with.

  4. I don’t fear the ocean or submerged items in bodies of water. But I’ve got a weird fear of being on a sinking boat. I’ve never really sailed though. I don’t know what kind of phobia that’d be considered

  5. Exploding teeth. So I’ll be eating something cold then drink something hot and BOOM teeth explosion

  6. I have a recurring daydream nightmare (daymare?) in which I’m in the passenger seat of a car going down the highway. The door flies open, I fall out, but my foot gets caught in the seatbelt. I land on my face, and the highway is like 400 grit sandpaper. My top incisors are ground away by the road rushing underneath me. I snap out of it when the teeth wear down to the nerves.

    Your welcome.

  7. I get a little uncomfortable around pressurized tanks of air gas. Like I think they’ll explode any minute.

  8. I have an irrational fear of wolves stalking our house.

    There are no wolves here.

    Remains of reading Sans Famille (Hector Malot) as a kid, I guess lol.

  9. I’ve become paranoid of swimming in the ocean. I imagine all sorts of sharks and things looking at my toes like they’re appetizers.

  10. I freak out if mayonnaise gets on my skin. I eat it all the time but if it gets on my hands, nope. Or if I see it when it gets older and becomes that weird clear gelatinous color. Talking about it is making me gag

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