I am a programmer currently in Japan and is moving to the UK soon – along with my personal computer.

All the parts I am bringing with me will be for personal use, they are not gifts and won’t be sold to others. In particular, I am bringing my:

1. SSD
2. CPU
3. Motherboard
4. Power Supply
5. Monitor
6. GPU

Note I won’t be bringing my case as it’s broken – would it make me look suspicious as everything is separated?

*\*everything other than the GPU was purchased in the UK, I brought them with me to Japan.*

I tried looking up online but there’s no information regarding this in Gov.UK, in particular they mention that there’s a personal allowance for *goods*, but I am not sure what count as *goods,* as the amount was ridiculously low(390 GBP) that bringing an iPhone would needs to be declared! Obviously, no one is declaring that they are having an iPhone with them, which makes me wonder what counts as an electronics.

I am wondering do I need to pay/declare them at the customs? Any advice is welcomed.

  1. This is a really interesting question. Do I understand correctly that the GPU is a new purchase since you left UK, and it’s coming into UK for the first time? If so, doing a quick Google, it appears you are in fact correct that the GPU is an import and therefore needs to be taxed if it’s over £390 in value.

    I’ll confess, this is a surprise to me. When in doubt, just declare it on arrival (go through the red channel) and explain the situation to customs. They will tell you what you need to do.

  2. Can I ask how do you intend to transport it? I need to transfer my PC case to the UK from another country as well.

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