It’s been almost 4 yrs since my last breakdown. Up until that I had been seeing various GPs, psychiatrists, councillors and therapists for years. Got diagnosed with several 3 letter acronyms. I was on various medications and I was probably the fittest and physically healthiest in a long time. Barely drank in a year after a period of alcoholism. Despite all that I still had another mental breakdown and was signed off ill for months.

Since then I’ve been more stable. I quit my job. I stopped going to therapy, came off all my meds (pregabalin was a nightmare to come off of) and decided to not talk about what’s on my mind anymore.

This strategy has mostly worked up until this summer. Every now and then I’d struggle and retreat to the bed and the feeling would soon pass, but since this summer all my motivation has gone and I can feel myself going downhill. I’m a long way from the bottom but I’m not sure I can put a stop to it anymore.

I’m highly sceptical that going to the NHS again will help, although I still might turn to it at some point, so I’m curious what others have found to have helped.

  1. I was able to get off meds for good by working out/moving every single day. Exercise is the most natural antidepressant. To keep up with a 5 day a week workout schedule one would have to avoid those habits that keep people depressed like binge watching tv/social media/excessive smart phone use/junk food eating.

  2. If there’s emotional crap down at the bottom of all that, that you’re ready to address, EMDR was really good for me. Sounds weird, with the follow the light stuff, but it worked. Got me answers to emotional crap I’d been trying to figure out for decades.

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