Hi everyone. I’m new here. Please, I honestly need some advice. I’ve been in and out of a relationship with my current boyfriend since 2020. We met online and our talking stage went well for awhile.
Then, it started to go downhill while we dated. Like he was always requesting nudes and stuff like that from me every time we chatted.

We mostly talked late at night because I usually get off work late and that’s the only time I could do some catching up with him. Eventually, we had sex which was my first and I didn’t feel good about it because it felt like our relationship was based on his lusts and sexual desires.

Lately, I’ve figured out that we don’t have much in common. He could go for days without calling or texting me and if he does its because he’s alone or feeling horny. He doesn’t care for my basic needs and I don’t trust him anymore.

Over the past year, we’ve had multiple breakups and make-ups, I keep forgiving him because he says he’ll get his act right. We made up in August because he came back and says he’ll get his act right now. But nothing has changed and I think I still have feelings for him.

The relationship is still based on lusts and secrets and I’m still trying to trust him.I don’t like how I feel, because he doesn’t make me feel like we are in an actual relationship that could lead to marriage in the future.

I need some advice, do I break up with him or try to fix stuff with him?

  1. Break up.

    There are people in the world who don’t base their relationships on lust and secrets and who will actually care for your basic needs. You can easily find one.

    Break up *yesterday.*

  2. You have stated you have had MULTIPLE break ups and keep forgiving him.

    He isn’t going to change. Find someone who will treat you right. There will be plenty of better options.

  3. ages?

    you’re a female, he’s a male?

    >it felt like our relationship was based on his lusts and sexual desires.

    That’s usually a component of relationships, but it ought not be the only component or perhaps even the most important component.

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