Hi all. Just for a bit of context, I don’t live in America and the age of consent in my country is 16. Anyways sex wasn’t really a thing in our relationship, plus I didn’t want it anyways.

So I was going out with him, let’s call him M, for just over a month. It was great to begin with, M was kind and respectful to my religious views. We got a long well and would call frequently.

However I’m busy with college work and of course that is my priority. I started to see ‘red flags’ with M such as he’d get all soppy and say we need to call soon. It’s just a preference but I’m very traditionalist and clingy sort of behaviour is a turn off. Like I’d have loved to ring him but I was busy. Other stuff was that he said he wanted to urinate inside me, and he’d get upset and question why sometimes I didn’t put X’s after messages. Which grossed/annoyed me out but I didn’t want to tell him as tbh I didn’t want the agro.

So last week I was honest with him and messaged him like look he’s a nice guy but I don’t think we’re compatible and I felt like he was too needy (even my friends agreed he was). He got all sad, understandable, but accepted it and we parted ways.

It was now my friends birthday and he messaged her saying happy birthday (for context he wasn’t friends with her). Which made me feel a bit eww as I thought at his age he would understand my feelings. Now a few hours ago he messaged me saying he misses me.

I know I’m overreacting but I’m worried it’ll end up like a stalker situation. I’m sure he knows where I live as I stupidly didn’t switch snapmaps off.

Any advice would be helpful

  1. No you missed the first red flag where a 40 something wanted a teenager. Age of consent or not that’s super duper weird. Distance yourself and protect yourself however you can.

  2. Age of consent in my country is 15 but it would still be fucked up if someone 40+ slept with and had a relationship with someone younger than 18. Block and delete, if he shows up and bother you call the police.

  3. He was trying to groom you.

    Luckily for you that you missed the signs and dumped his creepy arse (you are still a minor therefore the age of consent doesnt apply if the man is old enough to be your father, it’s for 2 teens the same/similar age)

    Now hes trying to hit on your friend by wishing her happy birthday. This has nothing to do with you any more. He didn’t message her to get back at you, he messaged her to start trying to groom her as well.

    Both of you need to block him everywhere because he’s a pervert.

  4. Block him and do not respond.

    Also, please finish college and reevaluate what you want in a relationship.

    Yes, mature men can be great, but when a 43-year-old man is still available, proceed with extreme caution, he is single for a reason!!

  5. He’s a pedophile so stalker wouldn’t be a jump, sounds like you like dating older guys so do you I guess but don’t complain about it.

  6. What country are you in where this relationship isn’t considered disgusting? Like what the fuck?

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